001    /**
002     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003     * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004     * distributed with this work for additional information
005     * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006     * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007     * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008     * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009     *
010     *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011     *
012     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016     * limitations under the License.
017     */
018    package org.apache.oozie;
020    import java.io.DataInput;
021    import java.io.DataOutput;
022    import java.io.IOException;
023    import java.sql.Timestamp;
024    import java.util.Date;
026    import javax.persistence.Basic;
027    import javax.persistence.Column;
028    import javax.persistence.ColumnResult;
029    import javax.persistence.Entity;
030    import javax.persistence.Lob;
031    import javax.persistence.NamedNativeQueries;
032    import javax.persistence.NamedNativeQuery;
033    import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;
034    import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
035    import javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMapping;
037    import org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable;
038    import org.apache.oozie.client.CoordinatorAction;
039    import org.apache.oozie.client.rest.JsonCoordinatorAction;
040    import org.apache.oozie.util.DateUtils;
041    import org.apache.oozie.util.WritableUtils;
042    import org.apache.openjpa.persistence.jdbc.Index;
044    @SqlResultSetMapping(
045            name = "CoordActionJobIdLmt",
046            columns = {@ColumnResult(name = "job_id"),
047                @ColumnResult(name = "min_lmt")})
049    @Entity
050    @NamedQueries({
052            @NamedQuery(name = "UPDATE_COORD_ACTION", query = "update CoordinatorActionBean w set w.actionNumber = :actionNumber, w.actionXml = :actionXml, w.consoleUrl = :consoleUrl, w.createdConf = :createdConf, w.errorCode = :errorCode, w.errorMessage = :errorMessage, w.externalStatus = :externalStatus, w.missingDependencies = :missingDependencies, w.runConf = :runConf, w.timeOut = :timeOut, w.trackerUri = :trackerUri, w.type = :type, w.createdTimestamp = :createdTime, w.externalId = :externalId, w.jobId = :jobId, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.nominalTimestamp = :nominalTime, w.slaXml = :slaXml, w.status = :status where w.id = :id"),
054            @NamedQuery(name = "UPDATE_COORD_ACTION_MIN", query = "update CoordinatorActionBean w set w.actionXml = :actionXml, w.missingDependencies = :missingDependencies, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.status = :status where w.id = :id"),
055            // Query to update the action status, pending status and last modified time stamp of a Coordinator action
056            @NamedQuery(name = "UPDATE_COORD_ACTION_STATUS_PENDING_TIME", query = "update CoordinatorActionBean w set w.status =:status, w.pending =:pending, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime where w.id = :id"),
057            // Update query for InputCheck
058            @NamedQuery(name = "UPDATE_COORD_ACTION_FOR_INPUTCHECK", query = "update CoordinatorActionBean w set w.status = :status, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.actionXml = :actionXml, w.missingDependencies = :missingDependencies where w.id = :id"),
059            // Update query for Start
060            @NamedQuery(name = "UPDATE_COORD_ACTION_FOR_START", query = "update CoordinatorActionBean w set w.status =:status, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.runConf = :runConf, w.externalId = :externalId, w.pending = :pending  where w.id = :id"),
062            @NamedQuery(name = "DELETE_COMPLETED_ACTIONS_FOR_COORDINATOR", query = "delete from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId and (a.status = 'SUCCEEDED' OR a.status = 'FAILED' OR a.status= 'KILLED')"),
064            @NamedQuery(name = "DELETE_UNSCHEDULED_ACTION", query = "delete from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id and (a.status = 'WAITING' OR a.status = 'READY')"),
066            // Query used by XTestcase to setup tables
067            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIONS", query = "select OBJECT(w) from CoordinatorActionBean w"),
068            // Select query used only by test cases
069            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTION", query = "select OBJECT(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id"),
071            // Select query used by ActionInfo command
072            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTION_FOR_INFO", query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.actionNumber, a.consoleUrl, a.errorCode, a.errorMessage, a.externalId, a.externalStatus, a.trackerUri, a.createdTimestamp, a.nominalTimestamp, a.status, a.lastModifiedTimestamp, a.missingDependencies from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id"),
073            // Select Query used by Timeout command
074            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTION_FOR_TIMEOUT", query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.status, a.runConf, a.pending from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id"),
075            // Select query used by InputCheck command
076            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTION_FOR_INPUTCHECK", query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.status, a.runConf, a.nominalTimestamp, a.createdTimestamp, a.actionXml, a.missingDependencies, a.timeOut from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id"),
077            // Select query used by CoordActionUpdate command
078            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTION_FOR_EXTERNALID", query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.status, a.pending, a.externalId, a.lastModifiedTimestamp, a.slaXml from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.externalId = :externalId"),
079            // Select query used by Check command
080            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTION_FOR_CHECK", query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.status, a.pending, a.externalId, a.lastModifiedTimestamp, a.slaXml from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id"),
081            // Select query used by Start command
082            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTION_FOR_START", query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.status, a.pending, a.createdConf, a.slaXml, a.actionXml, a.externalId, a.errorMessage, a.errorCode from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id"),
084            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIONS_FOR_JOB_FIFO", query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.status, a.pending from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.status = 'READY' order by a.nominalTimestamp"),
086            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIONS_FOR_JOB_LIFO", query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.status, a.pending from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.status = 'READY' order by a.nominalTimestamp desc"),
088            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_RUNNING_ACTIONS_COUNT", query = "select count(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND (a.status = 'RUNNING' OR a.status='SUBMITTED')"),
090            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIONS_COUNT_BY_JOBID", query = "select count(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId"),
092            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIVE_ACTIONS_COUNT_BY_JOBID", query = "select count(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.status = 'WAITING'"),
094            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIONS_PENDING_FALSE_COUNT", query = "select count(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.pending = 0 AND (a.status = 'SUSPENDED' OR a.status = 'TIMEDOUT' OR a.status = 'SUCCEEDED' OR a.status = 'KILLED' OR a.status = 'FAILED')"),
096            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIONS_PENDING_FALSE_STATUS_COUNT", query = "select count(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.pending = 0 AND a.status = :status"),
098            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_ACTIONS_FOR_COORD_JOB", query = "select count(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId"),
099            // Query to retrieve Coordinator actions sorted by nominal time
100            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_ACTIONS_FOR_COORD_JOB_ORDER_BY_NOMINAL_TIME", query = "select a.id, a.actionNumber, a.consoleUrl, a.errorCode, a.errorMessage, a.externalId, a.externalStatus, a.jobId, a.trackerUri, a.createdTimestamp, a.nominalTimestamp, a.status, a.lastModifiedTimestamp, a.missingDependencies, a.timeOut from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId order by a.nominalTimestamp"),
101            // Query to maintain backward compatibility for coord job info command
102            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_ALL_COLS_FOR_ACTIONS_FOR_COORD_JOB_ORDER_BY_NOMINAL_TIME", query = "select OBJECT(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId order by a.nominalTimestamp"),
103            // Query to retrieve action id, action status, pending status and external Id of not completed Coordinator actions
104            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIONS_NOT_COMPLETED", query = "select a.id, a.status, a.pending, a.externalId from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.status <> 'FAILED' AND a.status <> 'TIMEDOUT' AND a.status <> 'SUCCEEDED' AND a.status <> 'KILLED'"),
106            // Query to retrieve action id, action status, pending status and external Id of running Coordinator actions
107            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIONS_RUNNING", query = "select a.id, a.status, a.pending, a.externalId from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId and a.status = 'RUNNING'"),
109            // Query to retrieve action id, action status, pending status and external Id of suspended Coordinator actions
110            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIONS_SUSPENDED", query = "select a.id, a.status, a.pending, a.externalId from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId and a.status = 'SUSPENDED'"),
112            // Query to retrieve count of Coordinator actions which are pending
113            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIONS_PENDING_COUNT", query = "select count(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.pending > 0"),
115            // Query to retrieve status of Coordinator actions
116            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIONS_STATUS", query = "select a.status from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId"),
118            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTION_FOR_COORD_JOB_BY_ACTION_NUMBER", query = "select a.id from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.actionNumber = :actionNumber"),
120            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIONS_BY_LAST_MODIFIED_TIME", query = "select a.jobId from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.lastModifiedTimestamp >= :lastModifiedTime"),
122            //Used by coordinator store only
123            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_RUNNING_ACTIONS_FOR_COORD_JOB", query = "select OBJECT(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.status = 'RUNNING'"),
125            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_RUNNING_ACTIONS_OLDER_THAN", query = "select a.id from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.status = 'RUNNING' AND a.lastModifiedTimestamp <= :lastModifiedTime"),
127            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIONS_WAITING_SUBMITTED_OLDER_THAN", query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.status, a.externalId from CoordinatorActionBean a where (a.status = 'WAITING' OR a.status = 'SUBMITTED') AND a.lastModifiedTimestamp <= :lastModifiedTime"),
129            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIONS_FOR_RECOVERY_OLDER_THAN", query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.status, a.externalId from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.pending > 0 AND (a.status = 'SUSPENDED' OR a.status = 'KILLED' OR a.status = 'RUNNING') AND a.lastModifiedTimestamp <= :lastModifiedTime"),
130            // Select query used by rerun, requires almost all columns so select * is used
131            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_ACTIONS_FOR_DATES", query = "select OBJECT(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND (a.status = 'TIMEDOUT' OR a.status = 'SUCCEEDED' OR a.status = 'KILLED' OR a.status = 'FAILED') AND a.nominalTimestamp >= :startTime AND a.nominalTimestamp <= :endTime"),
132            // Select query used by log
133            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_ACTION_IDS_FOR_DATES", query = "select a.id from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND (a.status = 'TIMEDOUT' OR a.status = 'SUCCEEDED' OR a.status = 'KILLED' OR a.status = 'FAILED') AND a.nominalTimestamp >= :startTime AND a.nominalTimestamp <= :endTime"),
134            // Select query used by rerun, requires almost all columns so select * is used
135            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_ACTION_FOR_NOMINALTIME", query = "select OBJECT(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.nominalTimestamp = :nominalTime"),
137            @NamedQuery(name = "GET_COORD_ACTIONS_COUNT", query = "select count(w) from CoordinatorActionBean w")})
139    @NamedNativeQueries({
141        @NamedNativeQuery(name = "GET_READY_ACTIONS_GROUP_BY_JOBID", query = "select a.job_id as job_id, MIN(a.last_modified_time) as min_lmt from COORD_ACTIONS a where a.status = 'READY' GROUP BY a.job_id HAVING MIN(a.last_modified_time) < ?", resultSetMapping = "CoordActionJobIdLmt")
142            })
143    public class CoordinatorActionBean extends JsonCoordinatorAction implements
144            Writable {
145        @Basic
146        @Index
147        @Column(name = "job_id")
148        private String jobId;
150        @Basic
151        @Index
152        @Column(name = "status")
153        private String status = null;
155        @Basic
156        @Index
157        @Column(name = "nominal_time")
158        private java.sql.Timestamp nominalTimestamp = null;
160        @Basic
161        @Index
162        @Column(name = "last_modified_time")
163        private java.sql.Timestamp lastModifiedTimestamp = null;
165        @Basic
166        @Index
167        @Column(name = "created_time")
168        private java.sql.Timestamp createdTimestamp = null;
170        @Basic
171        @Index
172        @Column(name = "rerun_time")
173        private java.sql.Timestamp rerunTimestamp = null;
175        @Basic
176        @Index
177        @Column(name = "external_id")
178        private String externalId;
180        @Column(name = "sla_xml")
181        @Lob
182        private String slaXml = null;
184        @Basic
185        @Column(name = "pending")
186        private int pending = 0;
188        public CoordinatorActionBean() {
189        }
191        /**
192         * Serialize the coordinator bean to a data output.
193         *
194         * @param dataOutput data output.
195         * @throws IOException thrown if the coordinator bean could not be
196         *         serialized.
197         */
198        @Override
199        public void write(DataOutput dataOutput) throws IOException {
200            WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, getJobId());
201            WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, getType());
202            WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, getId());
203            WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, getCreatedConf());
204            WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, getStatus().toString());
205            dataOutput.writeInt(getActionNumber());
206            WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, getRunConf());
207            WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, getExternalStatus());
208            WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, getTrackerUri());
209            WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, getConsoleUrl());
210            WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, getErrorCode());
211            WritableUtils.writeStr(dataOutput, getErrorMessage());
212            dataOutput.writeLong((getCreatedTime() != null) ? getCreatedTime().getTime() : -1);
213            dataOutput.writeLong((getLastModifiedTime() != null) ? getLastModifiedTime().getTime() : -1);
214        }
216        /**
217         * Deserialize a coordinator bean from a data input.
218         *
219         * @param dataInput data input.
220         * @throws IOException thrown if the workflow bean could not be
221         *         deserialized.
222         */
223        @Override
224        public void readFields(DataInput dataInput) throws IOException {
225            setJobId(WritableUtils.readStr(dataInput));
226            setType(WritableUtils.readStr(dataInput));
227            setId(WritableUtils.readStr(dataInput));
228            setCreatedConf(WritableUtils.readStr(dataInput));
229            setStatus(CoordinatorAction.Status.valueOf(WritableUtils.readStr(dataInput)));
230            setActionNumber(dataInput.readInt());
231            setRunConf(WritableUtils.readStr(dataInput));
232            setExternalStatus(WritableUtils.readStr(dataInput));
233            setTrackerUri(WritableUtils.readStr(dataInput));
234            setConsoleUrl(WritableUtils.readStr(dataInput));
235            setErrorCode(WritableUtils.readStr(dataInput));
236            setErrorMessage(WritableUtils.readStr(dataInput));
237            long d = dataInput.readLong();
238            if (d != -1) {
239                setCreatedTime(new Date(d));
240            }
241            d = dataInput.readLong();
242            if (d != -1) {
243                setLastModifiedTime(new Date(d));
244            }
245        }
247        @Override
248        public String getJobId() {
249            return this.jobId;
250        }
252        @Override
253        public void setJobId(String id) {
254            super.setJobId(id);
255            this.jobId = id;
256        }
258        @Override
259        public Status getStatus() {
260            return Status.valueOf(status);
261        }
263        @Override
264        public void setStatus(Status status) {
265            super.setStatus(status);
266            this.status = status.toString();
267        }
269        @Override
270        public void setCreatedTime(Date createdTime) {
271            this.createdTimestamp = DateUtils.convertDateToTimestamp(createdTime);
272            super.setCreatedTime(createdTime);
273        }
275        public void setRerunTime(Date rerunTime) {
276            this.rerunTimestamp = DateUtils.convertDateToTimestamp(rerunTime);
277        }
279        @Override
280        public void setNominalTime(Date nominalTime) {
281            this.nominalTimestamp = DateUtils.convertDateToTimestamp(nominalTime);
282            super.setNominalTime(nominalTime);
283        }
285        @Override
286        public void setLastModifiedTime(Date lastModifiedTime) {
287            this.lastModifiedTimestamp = DateUtils.convertDateToTimestamp(lastModifiedTime);
288            super.setLastModifiedTime(lastModifiedTime);
289        }
291        @Override
292        public Date getCreatedTime() {
293            return DateUtils.toDate(createdTimestamp);
294        }
296        public Timestamp getCreatedTimestamp() {
297            return createdTimestamp;
298        }
300        public Date getRerunTime() {
301            return DateUtils.toDate(rerunTimestamp);
302        }
304        public Timestamp getRerunTimestamp() {
305            return rerunTimestamp;
306        }
308        @Override
309        public Date getLastModifiedTime() {
310            return DateUtils.toDate(lastModifiedTimestamp);
311        }
313        public Timestamp getLastModifiedTimestamp() {
314            return lastModifiedTimestamp;
315        }
317        @Override
318        public Date getNominalTime() {
319            return DateUtils.toDate(nominalTimestamp);
320        }
322        public Timestamp getNominalTimestamp() {
323            return nominalTimestamp;
324        }
326        @Override
327        public String getExternalId() {
328            return externalId;
329        }
331        @Override
332        public void setExternalId(String externalId) {
333            super.setExternalId(externalId);
334            this.externalId = externalId;
335        }
337        public String getSlaXml() {
338            return slaXml;
339        }
341        public void setSlaXml(String slaXml) {
342            this.slaXml = slaXml;
343        }
345        /**
346         * @return true if in terminal status
347         */
348        public boolean isTerminalStatus() {
349            boolean isTerminal = true;
350            switch (getStatus()) {
351                case WAITING:
352                case READY:
353                case SUBMITTED:
354                case RUNNING:
355                case SUSPENDED:
356                    isTerminal = false;
357                    break;
358                default:
359                    isTerminal = true;
360                    break;
361            }
362            return isTerminal;
363        }
365        /**
366         * Set some actions are in progress for particular coordinator action.
367         *
368         * @param pending set pending to true
369         */
370        public void setPending(int pending) {
371            this.pending = pending;
372        }
374        /**
375         * increment pending and return it
376         *
377         * @return pending
378         */
379        public int incrementAndGetPending() {
380            this.pending++;
381            return pending;
382        }
384        /**
385         * decrement pending and return it
386         *
387         * @return pending
388         */
389        public int decrementAndGetPending() {
390            this.pending = Math.max(this.pending - 1, 0);
391            return pending;
392        }
394        /**
395         * Get some actions are in progress for particular bundle action.
396         *
397         * @return pending
398         */
399        public int getPending() {
400            return this.pending;
401        }
403        /**
404         * Return if the action is pending.
405         *
406         * @return if the action is pending.
407         */
408        public boolean isPending() {
409            return pending > 0 ? true : false;
410        }
411    }