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These instructions install and run Oozie using an embedded Tomcat server and an embedded Derby database.
For detailed install and configuration instructions refer to Oozie Install .
The Java 1.6+ bin directory should be in the command path.
IMPORTANT: Oozie ignores any set value for OOZIE_HOME , Oozie computes its home automatically.
NOTE: The ExtJS library is not bundled with Oozie because it uses a different license.
NOTE: It is recommended to use a Oozie Unix user for the Oozie server.
Expand the Oozie distribution tar.gz .
Expand the Hadoop distribution tar.gz (as the Oozie Unix user).
NOTE: Configure the Hadoop cluster with proxyuser for the Oozie process.
The following two properties are required in Hadoop core-site.xml:
<!-- OOZIE --> <property> <name>hadoop.proxyuser.[OOZIE_SERVER_USER].hosts</name> <value>[OOZIE_SERVER_HOSTNAME]</value> </property> <property> <name>hadoop.proxyuser.[OOZIE_SERVER_USER].groups</name> <value>[USER_GROUPS_THAT_ALLOW_IMPERSONATION]</value> </property>
Replace the capital letter sections with specific values and then restart Hadoop.
Expand the Oozie hadooplibs tar.gz in the same location Oozie distribution tar.gz was expanded. A *hadooplibs/* directory will be created containing the Hadoop JARs for the versions of Hadoop that the Oozie distribution supports.
The ExtJS library is optional (only required for the Oozie web-console to work)
IMPORTANT: all Oozie server scripts (=oozie-setup.sh=, oozie-start.sh , oozie-run.sh and oozie-stop.sh ) run only under the Unix user that owns the Oozie installation directory, if necessary use sudo -u OOZIE_USER when invoking the scripts.
Create a libext/ directory in the directory where Oozie was expanded.
If using a version of Hadoop bundled in Oozie hadooplibs/ , copy the corresponding Hadoop JARs from hadooplibs/ to the libext/ directory. If using a different version of Hadoop, copy the required Hadoop JARs from such version in the libext/ directory.
If using the ExtJS library copy the ZIP file to the libext/ directory.
Run the oozie-setup.sh script to configure Oozie with all the components added to the libext/ directory.
$ bin/oozie-setup.sh
Create the Oozie DB using the 'ooziedb.sh' command line tool:
$ bin/ooziedb.sh create -sqlfile oozie.sql -runValidate DB Connection. DONE Check DB schema does not exist DONE Check OOZIE_SYS table does not exist DONE Create SQL schema DONE DONE Create OOZIE_SYS table DONE Oozie DB has been created for Oozie version '3.2.0' $
Start Oozie as a daemon process run:
$ bin/oozie-start.sh
To start Oozie as a foreground process run:
$ bin/oozie-run.sh
Check the Oozie log file logs/oozie.log to ensure Oozie started properly.
Using the Oozie command line tool check the status of Oozie:
$ bin/oozie admin -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -status
Using a browser go to the Oozie web console , Oozie status should be NORMAL .
Refer to the Running the Examples document for details on running the examples.
Copy and expand the oozie-client TAR.GZ file bundled with the distribution. Add the bin/ directory to the PATH .
Refer to the Command Line Interface Utilities document for a a full reference of the oozie command line tool.
NOTE: The Oozie server installation includes the Oozie client. The Oozie client should be installed in remote machines only.
Expand the oozie-sharelib TAR.GZ file bundled with the distribution.
The share/ directory must be copied to the Oozie HOME directory in HDFS:
$ hadoop fs -put share share
IMPORTANT: This must be done using the Oozie Hadoop (HDFS) user. If a share directory already exists in HDFS, it must be deleted before copying it again.
See the Workflow Functional Specification for more information about the Oozie ShareLib.