-- Oozie 4.0.1 release OOZIE-1756 hadoop-auth version is wrong if profile isn't selected (rkanter) OOZIE-1753 Update create-release-artifact script for git (rkanter) OOZIE-1632 Coordinators that undergo change endtime but are doneMaterialization, not getting picked for StatusTransit (mona) OOZIE-1736 Switch to Hadoop 2.3.0 for the hadoop-2 profile (rkanter) OOZIE-1670 Workflow kill command doesn't kill child job for map-reduce action (puru via rohini) OOZIE-1630 operations fail when path doesn't have scheme (ryota) OOZIE-1627 Rerun doesn't resolve workflow app name (puru via rohini) OOZIE-1626 pig action pop-up is not working properly in UI (ryota, puru via rohini) OOZIE-1607 [Doc]Update workflow specification for chgrp command (puru via rohini) OOZIE-1542 When extjs isn't installed, the web UI is unhelpfully blank (rkanter) OOZIE-1565 OOZIE-1481 should only affect v2 of the API, not v1 (rkanter) OOZIE-1551 Change hadoop-2 profile to use 2.2.0 (rkanter,rohini,mona via rkanter) OOZIE-1573 coord:tzOffset() gives incorrect offset for daylight saving timezones (rohini) OOZIE-1582 Bump up Tomcat version to 6.0.37 (rkanter) OOZIE-1563 colt jar includes GPL licence (rkanter) OOZIE-1284 oozie.service.SchemaService.wf.ext.schemas in oozie-site is missing some newer xsd files (rkanter) OOZIE-1549 Update hcat documentation to mention hcatalog-pig-adapter jar (bowenzhangusa via rohini) -- Oozie 4.0.0 release OOZIE-1514 Rerunning a coordinator with no input dependencies puts actions in WAITING instead of READY and proceeding (bowenzhangusa via mona) OOZIE-1510 Fix branch-4.0 compilation (mona) OOZIE-1507 Command queue filling up with duplicate commands from RecoveryService (rohini) OOZIE-1502 Coordinator Job not going to Failed if a bad HCat-uri is specified (mona) OOZIE-1501 Mapreduce action counters are picked up from launcher job instead of mapreduce job (rohini) OOZIE-1405 Fix flakey SLA tests (mona) OOZIE-1481 Getting a coordinator job info with len=0 should return 0 actions (rohini) OOZIE-1480 Web-console Workflow Job Info popup should display parent-id field and no empty Nominal time field (mona) OOZIE-1484 Error in DB upgrade when error message exceeds 4K characters (ryota) OOZIE-1482 4.0 client does not work with 3.x server for coord jobs (rohini) OOZIE-1479 Duplicate end_miss events introduced by OOZIE-1472 (rohini) OOZIE-1472 Confirm against database before generating start and duration miss events (rohini) OOZIE-1473 getKey() not overridden in some commands causing duplicates in queue (virag) OOZIE-1470 BundleStatusUpdateXCommand should get lock for bundle job (virag) OOZIE-1469 loadState() and/or verifyPrecondition() are blank in some commands (virag) OOZIE-1467 Bundle not killed if coordinator fails due to db exception (rohini,virag via virag) OOZIE-1466 current EL should not check for less than or equal to zero (rohini) OOZIE-1465 Making constants in CoordELFunctions public for el extensions (shwethags via rohini) OOZIE-1450 Duplicate Coord_Action events on Waiting -> Timeout, and Coord Materialize not removing actions on Failure (mona) OOZIE-1451 CoordActionInputCheckX does a redundant eagerLoadState (rohini) OOZIE-1446 SLACalcStatus not updating the last modified time correctly and duplicate DURATION_* event (virag,mona via mona) OOZIE-1249 SLA Documentation (mona,virag,rohini via rohini) OOZIE-1441 Fix bugs related to coordchange and parentId in events (mona,virag via virag) OOZIE-1444 Job DAG causes OOM. Remove refresh option (rohini) OOZIE-1379 Generate SLA end_miss event only after confirming against persistent store (mona) OOZIE-1439 Job materialization happening even after coordinator is supposed to be killed (virag) OOZIE-1438 parentID is null in job event message of subworkflow action (ryota) OOZIE-1435 StatusTransitService unnecessarily updates the lastModifiedTime of jobs which causes MaterializationService to bring same jobs in memory (virag) OOZIE-1433 ActionCheckX should override XCommand.getKey() to prevent duplicates (virag) OOZIE-1436 Revert SLA_XML and few other varchar columns back to clob (virag) OOZIE-1427 Update CredentialsModule docs to mention Hive (rkanter) OOZIE-1429 Fix bugs in SLA UI (rohini) OOZIE-1423 Coordinator job change command not removing SLA Registration bean (mona) OOZIE-1424 Improve SLA reliability on restart, fix bugs related to SLA and event generation (virag) OOZIE-1417 Exlude **/oozie/store/* **/oozie/examples/* from clover reports (dennisyv via virag) OOZIE-1426 Fix bugs in SLA UI (rohini) OOZIE-1421 UI for SLA (virag, rohini) OOZIE-1422 fix bug in SLARegistrationBean and CoordActionsCountForJobIdJPAExecutor (ryota) OOZIE-1408 Change column type of "frequency" from int to varchar for coordinators (rkanter) OOZIE-1420 OOZIE-1365 breaks the action popup in the Web UI (michalisk via rkanter) OOZIE-1418 Fix bugs around ActionKillX not setting end time, V2SLAServlet and exception handling for event threads (mona) OOZIE-1365 The hive action popup in the web UI is broken when externalChildIDs is empty string (michalisk via rkanter) OOZIE-1412 Webapp contains all sharedlib dependencies after launcher refactor (rohini) OOZIE-1414 Configuring Oozie for HTTPS still allows HTTP connections to all resources (rkanter) OOZIE-1410 V2 servlets are missing from ssl-web.xml (rkanter, rohini via rkanter) OOZIE-1349 oozieCLI -Doozie.auth.token.cache doesn't work (bowenzhangusa via tucu) OOZIE-1398 Reduce the number of CLOB columns used (ryota) OOZIE-1374 Make all unit tests run with Hadoop 2 (rohini) OOZIE-1394 Fix Bugs in Job and SLA Events (mona) OOZIE-1315 Refactor classes from launcher jar into Oozie sharelib (rkanter) OOZIE-1377 OpenJPA runtime enhancement should be disabled and update OpenJPA to 2.2.2 (tucu) OOZIE-1339 Implement SLA Bootstrap Service and fix bugs in SLACalculator (virag) OOZIE-1400 REST API to fetch SLA (rohini) OOZIE-1375 Generate Job notification events for Workflow Actions (mona) OOZIE-1357 Can't view more than 1000 actions of a coordinator and paging does not work (ryota) OOZIE-1381 Oozie does not support access to the distributed cache file under different name node (ryota) OOZIE-1298 TestPartitionDependencyManagerEhcache.testEvictionOnTimeToIdle is flakey (rohini) OOZIE-1397 failure in running test cases (aklochkov via rohini) OOZIE-1294 SLA Email Notification (ryota via virag) OOZIE-1395 Using Yarn's CapacityScheduler causes some tests to time out (rkanter) OOZIE-1373 Oozie compilation fails with jdk7 (tucu, rohini via rohini) OOZIE-1296 SLA JMS Event Listener for publishing notifications related to SLA information (ryota via mona) OOZIE-1361 Remove SLACalculatorBean and add columns to SummaryBean indicating events processed and sla processed (mona) OOZIE-674 resolveInstanceRange doesn't work for EL extensions (shwethags via mona) OOZIE-1384 Make Uber Mode not the default (rkanter via virag) OOZIE-1386 NPE in XOozieClient if fs.default.name is not defined but fs.defaultFS is (wypoon via rkanter) OOZIE-1387 Proxysubmission from the Oozie client doesn't allow the mapreduce API (rkanter) OOZIE-1244 SLA Support in Oozie (mona) OOZIE-1371 oozie.coord.action.notification.url has no documentation (rkanter) OOZIE-1328 Cover package org.apache.oozie.cli with unit tests (vbondarev via virag) OOZIE-1327 enhance unit-test coverage of package org.apache.oozie (iveselovsky via rkanter) OOZIE-1356 Bundle job in PAUSEWITHERROR state does not goto SUSPENDEDWITHERROR state on suspending it (bowenzhangusa via virag) OOZIE-1313 coverage fix for org.apache.oozie.client (aleksgor via virag) OOZIE-1360 Oozie CLI shows created time of workflow as started time (ryota via virag) OOZIE-1359 mention default value of throttle in doc (ryota via virag) OOZIE-1370 oozie create db script throws classNotFound exception (bowenzhangusa via virag) OOZIE-1183 Update WebServices API documentation (rkanter) OOZIE-1368 Error message when using an incorrect oozie url with kerberos is misleading (rkanter) OOZIE-1352 Write documentation for OOzie Hive CLI (rkanter) OOZIE-1353 hive CLI fails with -X argument (rkanter) OOZIE-611 distcp action does not have documentation (rkanter) OOZIE-1318 Action Main classes should be overridable via action configuration settings (rkanter) OOZIE-1347 Additions to JMS topic API (virag) OOZIE-1231 Provide access to launcher job URL from web console when using Map Reduce action (ryota via virag) OOZIE-1335 The launcher job should use uber mode in Hadoop 2 by default (rkanter) OOZIE-1297 Add chgrp in FS action (ryota via virag) OOZIE-1329 fix coverage org.apache.oozie.tools (agorshkov via virag) OOZIE-1351 Oozie jobs with state PAUSEDWITHERROR should change to SUSPENDEDWITHERROR state when suspended (bowenzhangusa via virag) OOZIE-1346 Modularize hbase credentials to separate the populating of jobconf and obtaining token for job (virag) OOZIE-1341 Have Action Main classes in Oozie webapp (virag) OOZIE-1337 HadoopAccessorService has two static methods so you can't override them with another implementation (rkanter) OOZIE-1333 Some testcases related to EventHandlerService are failing in a transient way (virag) OOZIE-1316 fix coverage org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop (aleksgor via rkanter) OOZIE-1224 web console user interface improvements (matthew ropp via mona) OOZIE-1083 WFGEN Help -> About dialog box (jaoki via tucu) OOZIE-670 Merge addtowar and oozie-setup scripts into one (bowenzhangusa via tucu) OOZIE-1326 sharelib tests failing saying error on fork after OOZIE-1311 refactor (rohini via rkanter) OOZIE-1235 Client API for retrieving topic and jms connection related details (virag) OOZIE-1234 JMS Event Listeners for publishing notifications related to workflow and coordinator (virag) OOZIE-1281 Hiveaction should populate externalChildIDs (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1322 show child job URL tab selectively for pig action (ryota via mona) OOZIE-1307 Cover package org.apache.oozie.action.ssh with unit tests (vbondarev via rkanter) OOZIE-1317 TestEventGeneration.testCoordinatorActionEvent fails (mona) OOZIE-1292 Add Hadoop 0.23 Poms in hadooplibs to enable a build/tests against branch 0.23 (mona) OOZIE-1320 Tests for sharelib actions fail with ClassNotFoundException against Hadoop 2 (rkanter) OOZIE-1311 Refactor action Main classes into sharelibs (rkanter) OOZIE-897 remove special build handling for sqoop testcase (rkanter) OOZIE-1209 Event generation and handling for workflow and coordinator (mona) OOZIE-1118 improve logic of purge service (rkanter) OOZIE-1205 If the JobTracker is restarted during a Fork, Oozie doesn't fail all of the currently running actions (rkanter) OOZIE-1286 SSH Action does not properly handle arguments that have spaces (rkanter) OOZIE-1300 [Doc] Error in the the email action XML schema (harsh) OOZIE-1288 Improve docs around -D arguments support in the Oozie CLI's pig subcommand (harsh) OOZIE-1291 TestHadoopAccessorService.testGetMRDelegationTokenRenewer fails against Yarn (rkanter) OOZIE-1278 oozie example datelist-java-main has job property typo and has no lib directory for examples.jar (bowenzhangusa via rkanter) OOZIE-1264 The "parent" property of a subworkflow should be the ID of the parent workflow (rkanter) OOZIE-1245 Add ability to automatically suspend workflow at specified actions (rkanter) OOZIE-894 support for hive in Oozie CLI (bowenzhangusa via tucu) OOZIE-1239 Bump up trunk to 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT (virag) OOZIE-1392 Add commons-io-*.jar to addtowar for hadoop-2.0 (virag) OOZIE-1303 CLI API for Bulk Monitoring (mona) OOZIE-1350 Improve client debug output information (rkanter) OOZIE-1343 Sqoop sharelib should have hsqldb jar (rkanter) OOZIE-1344 We should use Sqoop 1.4.3 instead of 1.5.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT (rkanter) OOZIE-1146 FileSystem used by prepare sections should use the configuration of the action (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1215 add note of using escape for oozie jobs filters in doc (egashira via rkanter) OOZIE-1331 URIHandlerService not allowing relative path for URI's (virag) OOZIE-1332 Flakey test TestActionCheckXCommand.testActionCheckTransientDuringMRAction (rkanter) OOZIE-1150 DB upgrade scripts for hcat changes (ryota via virag) OOZIE-1323 HTTPS docs lists the same step twice for creating a self-signed certificate (rkanter) OOZIE-1280 CoordPushDependencyCheck queued by Recovery Services doesn't remove dependencies from cache (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1277 CoordActionInputCheck requeues itself even if only push missing dependencies exist (virag) OOZIE-1272 Two workflow jobs mapped to a single coordinator action (ryota via virag) OOZIE-1274 change recovery service interval to make it consistent with oozie-default.xml (ryota via virag) OOZIE-1246 appname need to be persisted on SLA event table by SLA status event (ryota via virag) OOZIE-1270 Querying job directly does not pop correct information for coordinator and bundle (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1269 Exception in push dependency check when there is also a pull dependency leaves it in waiting till timeout (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1267 Dryrun option for push missing deps (virag) OOZIE-1263 Fix few HCat dependency check issues (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1261 Registered push dependencies are not removed on Coord Kill command (virag) OOZIE-1191 add examples of coordinator with SLA tag inserted (ryota via mona) OOZIE-1204 Illustrate correct use of parameters inside SLA tags (jun aoki via mona) OOZIE-1255 latest/future check for hcat can cause shutdown to hang (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1253 latest() gets resolved before all push dependencies are resolved (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1251 Log messages for DependencyChecker class show wrong jobid and actionid (rohini via mona) OOZIE-1218 Create a HCatalog Integration Guide (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1250 Coord action timeout not happening when there is a exception (rohini via mona) OOZIE-1207 Optimize current EL resolution in case of start-instance and end-instance (rohini via mona) OOZIE-1247 CoordActionInputCheck shouldn't queue CoordPushInputCheck (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1238 CoordPushCheck doesn't evaluate the configuration section which is propogated to workflow (virag) OOZIE-1203 Oozie web-console to display Bundle job definition, configuration and log tabs (mona) OOZIE-1237 Bump up trunk to 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT (virag) OOZIE-561 Integrate Oozie with HCatalog OOZIE-1181 Dependency cache with configurations for eviction, ttl and max elements in memory (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1217 Address review comments in OOZIE-1210 (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1197 Create a hcat sharelib which can be included in pig, hive and java actions (mona,rohini via virag) OOZIE-1196 HCat EL functions for database and table should be modified (mona) OOZIE-1210 Rework uri handling for Prepare actions and jms server mapping (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1179 coord action in WAITING when no definition of dataset in coord job xml (mona) OOZIE-1185 Retry jms connections on failure (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1158 Add hcataloglib sub-module (mona) OOZIE-1180 Separate the connection context details from JMS Accessor service (virag) OOZIE-1097 Revert OOZIE-1095 once dependent HCat jar mavenized (mona) OOZIE-1157 EL function hcat:exists for decision making (rohini via mona) OOZIE-1167 Fix and rework PartitionDependency Management (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1156 Make all the latest/future instances as pull dependences (virag) OOZIE-1145 Modify Recovery Service to handle push missing dependencies (virag) OOZIE-1135 Display missing partition dependencies via job -info command on CLI (mona) OOZIE-1125 Prepare actions for hcat (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1123 EL Functions for hcatalog (mona) OOZIE-1138 Provide rule based mechanism to allow multiple hcatalog servers to connect to JMS server (virag) OOZIE-1111 change HCatURI to specify partitions in path instead of query parameter (rohini,ryota via virag) OOZIE-1108 Fix JMS message consumer to maintain single session per topic registration (mona) OOZIE-1075 Create general scheme handler (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1107 Change default done-flag from _SUCCESS to empty for Hcat (mohammad) OOZIE-1095 Add HCatalog jar as resource for building (mona) OOZIE-1105 Resolve issues found during integration(mohammad) OOZIE-1086 Command to check the missing partitions directly against HCatalog server (mohammad) OOZIE-1050 Implement logic to update dependencies via push JMS message(mona via mohammad) OOZIE-1068 Metadata Accessor service for HCatalog(mohammad) OOZIE-1069 Update dataIn and dataOut EL functions to support partitions (mohammad) OOZIE-1043 Add logic to register to Missing Dependency Structure in coord action materialization (ryota via mohammad) OOZIE-1061 Add new EL functions to retrieve HCatalog server, DB and table name(mohammad) OOZIE-1056 Command to update push-based dependency (mohammad) OOZIE-1059 Add static method to create URI String in HCatURI(ryota via mohammad) OOZIE-1039 Implement the Missing Dependency structure for HCat partitions (mona via mohammad) OOZIE-1042 Coordinator action table schema change. (Mohammad) OOZIE-1036 Utility class to parse HCat URI (Ryota via Mohammad) OOZIE-1033 Generic utility class to register/unregister a JMS message handler(Mohammad) OOZIE-1032 Create JMSService used for any JMS compliant product (Mohammad) OOZIE-1045 Parameterize tag currently hardcoded (egashira via mona) OOZIE-1078 Help -> Documentation and Help -> Online Help should link to oozie.apache.org/ (jun via mohammad) OOZIE-809 MySQL TEXT columns should be MEDIUMTEXT (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-979 bump up trunk version to 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT (tucu) OOZIE-1007 Add license headers to all files don't have them (egashira via tucu) -- Oozie 3.3.2 release OOZIE-1132 update quick start docs with build instructions (rkanter) OOZIE-1268 Configuring Oozie to use SSL doesn't work if addtowar.sh is invoked directly (rkanter) OOZIE-1208 Oozie web-console when displaying Coord Job Log for an action gives Format Error (rohini via mona) OOZIE-1233 Add ability to configure Oozie to use HTTPS (SSL) (rkanter) OOZIE-1242 Dryrun option for workflows mentions version 3.4 when it should be 3.3.2 (rkanter) OOZIE-1189 add filter option to specify JobID and AppName in SLA CLI command (egashira via mona) OOZIE-1054 Create script to properly upload sharelib to HDFS (bowenzhangusa via tucu) OOZIE-1015 HadoopAccessorService jobtracker validation should not have hardcoded conf key (mona) OOZIE-669 Deprecate oozie-start.sh, oozie-stop.sh & oozie-run.sh scripts (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-1219 The timezone cookie should never expire (rkanter) OOZIE-1220 Make the login example cookie expire (rkanter) OOZIE-1227 In a coordinator, specifying the without a namenode causes it to fail (rkanter) OOZIE-1226 Workflow lib path not found in classpath for a subworkflow (rkanter) OOZIE-1184 Demo example job.properties has an unused parameter (udai via rkanter) OOZIE-1211 oozie does not support duplicated dataset (jaoki via virag) OOZIE-1187 reduce memory usage of SLA query (invoked by CLI command) to avoid OOM (egashira via virag) OOZIE-1221 mvn install failing in Oozie-Mini module (jaoki via virag) OOZIE-1170 Update minitest module (MiniOozie) to use main pom as its parent (jaoki via rkanter) OOZIE-1188 Typo in documentation for using login server example (rkanter) OOZIE-1113 The cookies used in the AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler examples aren't read properly if quoted (rkanter) OOZIE-1103 Create example using AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler (rkanter) OOZIE-1179 coord action in WAITING when no definition of dataset in coord job xml (mona) OOZIE-1194 test-patch shouldn't run the testHive profile because it not longer exists (rkanter) OOZIE-1193 upgrade jython to 2.5.3 for Pig in Oozie due to jython 2.5.0 legal issues (bowenzhangusa via rkanter) OOZIE-1172 Add documentation on how to get Java actions to authenticate properly on Kerberos-enabled clusters (rkanter) OOZIE-87 GH-47: Feature to supply a comma separated list of jars in an 'archive tag' of workflow (jaoki via rkanter) OOZIE-1160 Oozie web-console to display all job URLs spawned by Pig (mona) OOZIE-1177 HostnameFilter should only catch UnknownHostException, not Exception (rkanter) OOZIE-945 BundleSubmitXCommand.submit() doesn't properly remove comments (jaoki via rkanter) OOZIE-1171 HostnameFilter should handle hostname resolution failures and continue processing (tucu via rkanter) OOZIE-1053 Oozie Web-console clicking on Bundle's coord jobs does not open them up (ryota via mona) OOZIE-1166 Print a more helpful message when ProxyUserService is configured wrong (rkanter) OOZIE-1136 Fix MiniOozie (rkanter) OOZIE-1051 Repeating Errors for workflows that were allreday Killed (rkanter) OOZIE-1140 TestLogStreamer.testStreamLog fails when its started within the first 4 seconds after the hour (rkanter) OOZIE-1153 comma separated list in and for JavaActionExecutor. (jaoki via tucu) OOZIE-1161 Remove unnecessary db updates for some of the blobs like missing_dependencies' of Coordinator Action (virag) OOZIE-1164 typo in toString() method for org.apache.oozie.client.rest.JsonCoordinatorJob.java (bowenzhangusa via rkanter) OOZIE-1152 Unit test for JavaActionExecutor has a wrong action XML (jaoki via harsh) OOZIE-1144 OOZIE-1137 breaks the sharelib (rkanter) OOZIE-1035 Improve forkjoin validation to allow same errorTo transitions (rkanter) OOZIE-1137 In light of federation use actionLibPath instead of appPath (vaidya via rkanter) OOZIE-1126 see if checkstyle works for oozie development. (jaoki via rkanter) OOZIE-1124 Split pig unit tests to a separate module (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1087 Remove requirement of hive-default.xml from Hive action (rkanter) OOZIE-1129 Add documentation for configurable filesystem support (rkanter) OOZIE-1084 When use IBM jdk , UT TestCallbackServlet and TestHadoopELFunctions fail (zhujinwei via rkanter) OOZIE-1127 Missed one services.destroy() in OOZIE-1114 (rkanter) OOZIE-1071 latest EL function is based on action materialization time (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1114 Some tests don't use the Services singleton properly (rkanter) OOZIE-1101 Fix log messages that contain {0} or similar (rkanter) OOZIE-1073 Optimize latest and future EL resolution in case of start-instance and end-instance (rohini via virag) OOZIE-816 Add Support for Hadoop 1.1.1 (zhujinwei and harsh via harsh) OOZIE-1106 latest and future function do not work correctly when oozie processing timezone is non UTC (rohini via tucu) OOZIE-1102 Update Oozie README.txt to have the TLP mailing list and links (jaoki via rkanter) OOZIE-1057 Log message for retrying to connect to the JT always says 60,000 milliseconds (jiezhou via rkanter) OOZIE-1080 Add a dryrun option for workflows (rkanter) OOZIE-1062 Create a shell example OOZIE-1034 Allow disabling forkjoin validation just for a specific workflow OOZIE-1072 Oozie Coordinator Doc error in Synchronous datasets OOZIE-1028 Add EL function to allow date ranges to be used for dataset ranges (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-1048 Enable propagation of native libraries as a VM argument using java.library.path (venkatesh via tucu) OOZIE-1014 Coordinator action failure error not propagated (mona) OOZIE-1029 MiniMRCluster fails to start when used against YARN (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-1011 Tests from OOZIE-994 fail when run against Hadoop trunk (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-1037 XTestCase.delete() can cause tests to fail if it runs into a dangling symlink (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-1027 Command line mr does not support NN/JT parameters properly (Mona via Mohammad) OOZIE-1020 BulkJPAExecutor handling date-time value incorrectly.(Mona via Mohammad) OOZIE-967 Coordinator action window in web UI never finishes refreshing (kinley via tucu) OOZIE-1024 ooziedb.sh script should keep OOZIE_CONFIG, OOZIE_LOG, and OOZIE_DATA if previously set (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-1023 Docs list OOZIE_CONF instead of OOZIE_CONFIG env var (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-1012 Sqoop jobs are unable to utilize Hadoop Counters (jarcec via virag) OOZIE-986 Oozie client shell script should use consistent naming for java options (stevenwillis via tucu) OOZIE-1018 Display coord job start time, end time, pause time, concurrency in job -info (mona via tucu) OOZIE-1016 Tests that use junit assert or fail in a new thread report success when they are actually failing (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-1017 Add test to make sure old version of Xerces isn't being used (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-949 Allow the user to set 'mapred.job.name' (jrkinley via tucu) OOZIE-1009 Documentation pages should use default ports for Oozie/JT/NN (tucu) OOZIE-992 Add overall status to test-patch messages and add some color-coding for negative results (tucu) OOZIE-1003 TestOozieCLI.testSubmitDoAs() should disable anonymous request (tucu) OOZIE-1004 Oozie client needs to bundle slf4j JARs (tucu) OOZIE-1000 Remove Yahoo branding from docs, tests, etc (rkanter via virag) OOZIE-999 XLogStreamer requires log4j.appender.oozie.layout.ConversionPattern to contain a "-" (dash) or streaming logs to web UI and CLI don't work (rkanter via virag) OOZIE-998 test-patch doesn't allow lines that are exactly 132 characters (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-739 a coord action fails because the uri points to a namenode that is not in whitelist. the E0901 error shows in the oozie.log, but not written to the database (mona,mbattisha via virag) OOZIE-987 Fix minor bug in one of the uber jar tests (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-988 Improve verification of TestJavaActionExecutor.testLibFileArchives (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-973 Allow Oozie to run against Hadoop trunk branch (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-984 Allow EL Functions in Coordinator timeout (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-972 Provide EL function to append a string in each substring of another string separated by delimiter (Mohammad via virag) OOZIE-977 NotificationXCommand (job.notification queue entry) should set a timeout in the HTTP connections it makes (tucu) OOZIE-654 Provide a way to use 'uber' jars with Oozie MR actions (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-1186 Image load for Job DAG visualization should handle resources better (mona) -- Oozie 3.3.1 release OOZIE-1175 Update POM version to 3.3.1 for 3.3 branch (virag) OOZIE-1159 Set the RM token renewer as the full service principal instead of short name (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1151 HbaseCredentials doesn't use properties from the credentials module (virag) OOZIE-1148 Set the renewer correctly for JT/RM delegation tokens (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1147 HCatCredentialHelper uses the wrong API for getDelegationToken (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1149 Update 3.3 branch POM's to 3.3.1-SNAPSHOT (virag) OOZIE-1139 bump up Tomcat version to 6.0.36 (tucu via rkanter) OOZIE-1110 log Error that happens in XCommand to make debug easy (rohini via virag) OOZIE-1133 Remove hadoop-auth dependency from oozie-core (virag) OOZIE-1130 Upgrade from 3.2 to 3.3 failing due to change in WorkflowInstance structure (virag) OOZIE-1128 When a user submitting a job is not UNDEF in the request, it should use that user as the submitter (tucu) OOZIE-1091 workflow functional spec, fs action related issues (virag) OOZIE-1116 Create hbaselibs module (virag) OOZIE-1093 recursive fs chmod does not change the leaf directory (virag) OOZIE-1094 credential cannot resolve variable (virag) OOZIE-1099 Pig launcher log does not show the pig job url for H23 (rohini via mona) OOZIE-1100 HFTP coordinator input check fails due to missing commons-httpclient.jar (ryota via virag) OOZIE-1065 bundle status does not transit after rerun (virag) OOZIE-1064 Status value of coordinator job not reflected in bundle action and invalid transition of coordinator job (virag) -- Oozie 3.3.0 release OOZIE-959 Use API from OOZIE-906 in console (Ashish via Mohammad) OOZIE-1089 DistributedCache workaround for Hadoop 2.0.2-alpha (tucu) OOZIE-1005 Tests from OOZIE-994 use wrong condition in waitFor (rkanter via virag) OOZIE-994 ActionCheckXCommand does not handle failures properly (rkanter via virag) OOZIE-1058 ACL modify-job should not be hardcoded to group name(mona via mohammad) OOZIE-1052 HadoopAccessorService.createFileSystem throws exception in map-reduce action, failing workflow (egashira via mohammad) OOZIE-1060 bump hadoop 2.X version to 2.0.2-alpha (rvs via tucu) OOZIE-993 Hadoop 23 doesn't accept user defined jobtracker (virag) OOZIE-1013 Build failing as the license header comment is appearing before xml declaration in some files (virag) OOZIE-1006 Oozie fails to add required dependency for Hadoop 3.0.2 (venkatesh via virag) OOZIE-975 Test cases should not load all the services classes (virag) OOZIE-989 Testcases failing intermittently where coordinator jobs are in catchup mode (virag) OOZIE-990 TestLogStreamer.testStreamLog fails in very rare cases (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-997 Add schema def. for distcp to work with global section and add missing xsd's for client xml validation (virag) OOZIE-991 action prepare executions work only with HDFS filesystems (tucu) OOZIE-981 Subworkflow lib not found in classpath when parent workflow lib overwrites it (mona via virag) OOZIE-978 Bundle status doesn't transit to KILLED after a coordinator job fails submission (virag) OOZIE-971 TestRecoveryService failing very often in pre-commit builds (mona via virag) OOZIE-966 Fix formatting in CLI output when GMT-#### and GMT-##:## formatted timezones are used (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-960 TestStatusTransitService failing intermittently (virag) OOZIE-968 source oozie environment from conf in oozie db setup script (svenkat via virag) OOZIE-961 Load Hbase credentials in Oozie (virag) OOZIE-963 Add new EL function to replace all instances of a sub-string with another one (Mohammad via virag) OOZIE-969 Unit tests in TestStatusTransitService failing due to change in CoordKillX (mona via virag) OOZIE-965 Allow the timezone attribute in coordinator jobs to use a format like GMT-#### (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-848 Bulk Monitoring API - Consolidated view of jobs (mona via virag) OOZIE-934 Exception reporting during Services startup is inadequate (mona via virag) OOZIE-914 Make sure all commands do their JPA writes within a single JPA executor (mona via virag) OOZIE-918 Changing log level from DEBUG to TRACE for trivial log statements (mona via virag) OOZIE-957 TestStatusTransitService and TestCoordKillXCommand are failing randomly; replace Thread.sleep() (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-477 Adding configurable filesystem support instead of hardcoded "hdfs" (mayank, mona via tucu) OOZIE-906 Show runtime job DAG visually in Oozie console/dashboard (vaidya via virag) OOZIE-958 typo in error message of E0736 (egashira via virag) OOZIE-923 Improve error message when a user tries to start a coordinator job (sms via virag) OOZIE-947 Forward porting OOZIE-733 to 3.2 and trunk (mona via virag) OOZIE-889 Adding HCat credentials class for job conf (mona via virag) OOZIE-940 Junk messages appear in tomcat log (egashira via virag) OOZIE-955 TestCoordELFunctions and TestELConstantFunctions failing (bcry via tucu) OOZIE-954 Global section xsd should allow job-xml elements and update documentation (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-951 Global section should make JT and NN optional (bcry via tucu) OOZIE-948 Add support for Oozie coordinator to work in an UTC offset (tucu) OOZIE-926 handling of global configuration is not correct (bcyr via tucu) OOZIE-921 Changes in global section for the Name Node in FS action (bcyr via virag) OOZIE-942 Add formal Parameters to bundle XML (rkanter via virag) OOZIE-239 Add formal parameters to WF & COORD XML (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-938 Remove some duplicated code in FsActionExecutor (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-939 JT_PRINCIPAL and NN_PRINCIPAL must be added back to XOozieClient (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-930 Bundle not pass SUSPEND command to PAUSED coord job (virag) OOZIE-933 Modify the Oozie CLI help to escape the semi-colon when multiple filters are specified (virag) OOZIE-936 TestActionFailover failing (virag) OOZIE-931 inconsistency on timestamp format between CLI command and web UI (egashira via virag) OOZIE-708 Update the parent entity status dynamically (virag) OOZIE-243 Workflow nodes START/END/KILL/FORK/JOIN should create rows in the action DB table (tucu) OOZIE-913 Add Name Node, job-xml, and configuration Elements to FS action (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-937 Mention how to use the sharelib in the Quick Start page of the docs (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-886 Display request header info when trace is enabled (jay7306 via tucu) OOZIE-932 space needed between "Created" and "Nominal time" in oozieCLI output (egashira via virag) OOZIE-903 Workflow action status 'Ok' but the workflow job remains in 'RUNNING' (virag) OOZIE-928 Clarify the documentation for submitting coordinator jobs using web services API (rkanter via virag) OOZIE-920 Incorrect error message for multiple start instances in coordinator xml (bcyr via tucu) OOZIE-925 Change default logging level for oozie to INFO (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-924 CATALINA_OPTS should include $CATALINA_OPTS in oozie-env.sh (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-922 Global section code doesn't properly handle extension actions (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-915 Obsolete NN/JT kerberos principal property names not removed from some places (mona via virag) OOZIE-707 Suspending a paused coordinator job suspends the children but the status of job remains unchanged (virag) OOZIE-917 Coordinator Job from 'KILLED' or 'FAILED' doesn't move to 'DONEWITHERROR' if the job materialization is not done(virag) OOZIE-916 aggregator example uses hardcoded 'examples' value instead of parameterized (examplesRoot) value in path (wypoon via virag) OOZIE-904 TestBundleStartX Failing (virag) OOZIE-907 Default ACL settings for Oozie launcher (mona via virag) OOZIE-908 Oozie docs build instructions for hadoop versions (mona via virag) OOZIE-874 Eliminate redundancies in xml (britt via virag) OOZIE-900 Indicate that the exception thrown from the db-cli during an error is for debug purposes (harsh) OOZIE-865 ForkJoin validator checks total lengths of forks vs. joins instead of actual paths (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-905 Clarify and improve Oozie logging configuration and streaming (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-890 Support for map-reduce in OozieCLI (britt via virag) OOZIE-887 Support for choosing timezone in Oozie UI (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-902 XLogService doesn't properly disable WS log streaming if log4j.appender.oozie.File is missing (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-885 A race condition can cause the workflow/coordinator to run even after the bundle job is killed (virag) OOZIE-901 When Submitting a job without an app path, Oozie doesn't properly handle multiple paths from oozie.libpath (rkanter via virag) OOZIE-748 Add support for oozie.libpath to be set on a per-action basis in workflow.xml (rkanter via virag) OOZIE-899 NullPointerException on string check - Missing input dependency (mona via virag) OOZIE-898 Oozie help [subcommand] should only print help for that subcommand (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-895 Oozie Hive-action should use Hive var replacement (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-888 Change default logging levels for oozieops and hadoop.security.authentication.server to INFO from DEBUG (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-896 TestFsActionExecutor.java failing (britt via virag) OOZIE-881 Support for recursive chmod (britt via virag) OOZIE-872 Support touchz in fs node of oozie worklfow (britt via virag) OOZIE-769 Adding "-debug" option to Oozie CLI for debug statements to stdout (mona via virag) OOZIE-795 update the oozie commit build profile (virag) OOZIE-860 start-instance and end-instance should limit 1 (britt via virag) OOZIE-882 CoordELEvaluator.createDataEvaluator doesn't set timezone for coord action (shwethags via tucu) OOZIE-892 increase default JVM max memory to 1GB to avoid OOM (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-861 allow for use of multiple (britt via virag) OOZIE_870 Parameterize Credentials(britt via virag) OOZIE_846 OozieClient iterates over Properties using Hashtable method (lars_francke via tucu) OOZIE-875 Support for multiple job-xml elements in extension action nodes (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-880 oozie.job.acl is not working (virag) OOZIE-12 Support for multiple job-xml elements in action nodes (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-563 Missing dependency showing feeds that are already present (mona via tucu) OOZIE-879 streaming sharelib brings in lots of unwanted dependencies (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-876 distcp packaging with Hadoop 1 brings in lots of unwanted dependencies (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-559 Create DistCp WF example (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-34 connProps should mask DB password when logging != DEBUG (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-877 update hadooplib POMs to use hadoop-2.0.0-alpha release (tucu) OOZIE-766 Verify distcp action works with Hadoop 0.23 (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-801 Accepts coordinator with start time > end time (svenkat via tucu) OOZIE-867 Unit test to account for log retrieval from multiple gzipped oozie.log files (mona via tucu) OOZIE-649 Fail fast when a date doesn't parse correctly (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-871 actions from subworkflows that use oozie.libpath have duplicate classpath (tucu) OOZIE-764 remove log warnings when credentials are null (rkanter via tucu) OOZIE-637 parametrization of 'name' attribute in workflow/coordinator/bundle (tucu) OOZIE-603 Invalid regex expression for IDENTIFIER type in xsd files (navis via tucu) OOZIE-842 Update trunk POMs version to 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (tucu) OOZIE-818 CoordChangeXCommand deletes past coordinator actions (shwethags via tucu) OOZIE-829 Increase the wait time for testcases failing intermittently (virag via tucu) OOZIE-839 materialization of action does not take into account the lookupInterval for the calculations (tucu) OOZIE-835 XTestCase Minicluster hangs when shutting down with an exception using Hadoop 2 (tucu) OOZIE-834 Testcases for MapReduceMain, StreamingMain, PigMain, HiveMain fail with Hadoop 2 (tucu) OOZIE-831 POMs cleanup/fixing of hadoop version and to be able to publish oozie JARs to maven repo (tucu) OOZIE-830 add support for multiple/configurable sharelibs for each action type (tucu) OOZIE-773 AuthorizationService should be able to use a group to identify superusers (tucu) OOZIE-783 Upgrade to Junit4 (virag via tucu) OOZIE-812 ooziedb tool does not create VALIDATE_CONN table (tucu) OOZIE-824 ooziedb tool creates derby.log in current directory (tucu) OOZIE-823 datelist-java-main example has namenode harcoded in app path the job.properties (tucu) OOZIE-817 Fix the unreasonable definition of the schema to fs action (yians via tucu) -- Oozie 3.2.0 release OOZIE-852 remove pipes binaries from the source (tucu) OOZIE-851 demo workflow example does not enable sharelib for pig and streaming (tucu) OOZIE-850 apache-rat report should be a single global report file (tucu) OOZIE-847 Example directory has few files without license text(Mohammad) OOZIE-845 Delete 0 size files from repository(Mohammad) OOZIE-833 Add Hadoop proxyuser related settings to quick start guide.(Virag via Mohammad) OOZIE-832 Rename readme.txt file to README.txt and update contents(Mohammad) OOZIE-827 StatusTransitService fails to run if a stale reference to coord job is present (virag via tucu) OOZIE-815 Remove select * from queries related to coord action (Virag via Mohammad) OOZIE-826 TestCoordKillXCommand's testCoordKillXCommandUniqueness testcase is failing after interrupt changes(virag via Mohammad) OOZIE-819 Interrupt map doesn't have unique set of commands for a given jobid(virag via Mohammad) OOZIE-810 Modify Oozie POM to pickup doxia 9.2y from a repo where it is avail(tucu via Mohammad) OOZIE-241 EL function(s) to expose action output data as a (XML/JSON/PROP) blob (tucu) OOZIE-825 Update oozie-sharelib-hive to use Hive 0.9.0 (virag via tucu) OOZIE-820 OOZIE-820 Shell action to support env-var value with = sign (mona via tucu) OOZIE-813 Sub-workflow child job does not get group name even if parent carries.(Mona via Mohammad) OOZIE-791 coord job status not updated to done_with_error after kill(Virag via Mohammad) OOZIE-804 TestDecisionActionExecutor failing due to uninitialized conf.(Virag via Mohammad) OOZIE-805 TestCoordSubmitX failing(Virag via Mohamamd). OOZIE-803 UP Remove HadoopAccessorService createFileSystem() method that takes config only (tucu) OOZIE-802 Add minicluster config as hadoop-site.xml for testcases (tucu) OOZIE-796 Making the maximum number of job retrials configurable (Mohamed via Mohammad) OOZIE-741 the size of the workflow definition file (Mohamed via Mohammad) OOZIE-797 Action retry not reading default error code.(Mona via Mohammad) OOZIE-780 XConfiguration parser can't parse XML file with element (Virag via Mohammad) OOZIE-794 oozie job -info -filter should error out on bundle job and workflow job (virag via Mohammad) OOZIE-799 Testcases failing due to missing action-conf dir. (Virag via Mohammad) OOZIE-798 it would be nice to keep action specific configs in action-conf instead of hadoop-conf (rvs via tucu) OOZIE-790 default concurrency value is inconsistent between doc and implementation.(Mohammad) OOZIE-793 remove HiveMain check for HADOOP_HOME (tucu) OOZIE-792 add default action configs per cluster (tucu) OOZIE-624 client side improvement of authentication for user defined options OOZIE-789 a few testcases using waitFor are timing out with YARN MiniCluster (tucu) OOZIE-781 Xerces validator used by Java gets stuck during pattern matching (Virag via Mohammad) OOZIE-788 JavaActionExecutor should not set yarn.resourcemanager.address (tucu) OOZIE-785 No JsonToBean mapping for coord pausetime(shwetha via Mohammad) OOZIE-786 tomcat should stop if oozie does not start correctly (tucu) OOZIE-779 Oozie cannot submit jobs to hadoop 0.23 if running in non-default host:port (tucu) OOZIE-774 Implement a coord:conf EL function to access configuration properties from Oozie coordinator XML files (Maxime via Mohammad) OOZIE-777 Hadoop 0.23 removed org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Task$Counter group name breaking EL counters() (tucu) OOZIE-776 custom-main example job.properties is missing the activation of sharelib (tucu) OOZIE-775 sharelibs assembly does not include deps with compile scope (tucu) OOZIE-758 Oozie logs should record job-id for when job is submitted (Mona via Mohammad) OOZIE-772 enable Hive and Email actions by default (rvs via tucu) OOZIE-771 oozied.sh should exec catalina.sh instead of forking it off (rvs via tucu) OOZIE-767 TestCoordRerun and Testrerun shoudl be deleted.(virag via Mohammad) OOZIE-768 latest Hadoop 0.23.3 minicluster is not creating /tmp in HDFS (tucu) OOZIE-763 Add findbugs and clover plugin for CI (virag via tucu) OOZIE-646 Doc changes: Drilldown and PigStats (params via tucu) OOZIE-4 Configuration of Maximum output len for each action (harsh via tucu) OOZIE-759 Fix config defaults in EmailActionExecutor (harsh via tucu) OOZIE-675 checkMultipleTimeInstances doesn't work for EL extensions. EX: ${coord:formatTime(coord:current(0),'yyyy-MM-dd')} (sriksun via tucu) OOZIE-749 oozie tests doesn't delete the files in tmp directories (virag via tucu) OOZIE-761 Fixes in CoordELFunctions and testcases for Hadoop 0.23 (tucu) OOZIE-760 oozied.sh needs to be able to pick up CATALINA_HOME (rvs via tucu) OOZIE-757 hive-contrib version should use ${hive.version} (abayer via tucu) OOZIE-274 move callback HTTP endpoint outside of the versioned WS endpoints (tucu) OOZIE-755 remove hadoop.job.ugi and kerberos principal hardcoded injections (tucu) OOZIE-754 remove use of group from HadoopAccessor (tucu) OOZIE-752 if group.name/oozie.job.acl is not defined in job.properties job submission fails (tucu) OOZIE-753 default hadoop config file does not endup in the distro and hadoop config doc typo (tucu) OOZIE-747 HadoopAccessorService hadoop-configs should be loaded from Hadoop -site.xml files (tucu) OOZIE-746 JobConf/Configuration creation is inconsistent and makes things fail in odd ways (tucu) OOZIE-744 HadoopAccessorService hadoop-configs loading logic is not 100% correct (tucu) OOZIE-743 HadoopAccessorService hadoop configurations should not use VARs from properties defined oozie-site.xml (tucu) OOZIE-742 getJobInfo for workflows should return workflow external id (Shwetha via Mohammad) OOZIE-750 enhance ooziedb tool not to require manual upgrade steps and not to require the -sqlfile option (tucu) OOZIE-684 CoordChangeXCommand already used is thrown while executing interrupt commands (Mohamed via Mohammad) OOZIE-723 Getting rid of the unused Commands classes (mohamed via tucu) OOZIE-719 Missing java docs for several methods on ActionXCommand.java (Mohamed via Mohammad) OOZIE-738 HadoopAccessorService configs typo/missed value (tucu) OOZIE-737 ooziedb tool does not register SLAEventBean resulting in an incorrect DB creation (tucu) OOZIE-736 Add support for configurations per JT/NN (tucu) OOZIE-734 Simplify Kerberos/HadoopAccessorService code and remove Kerberos/DoAs code (tucu) OOZIE-631 Oozie DB create/upgrade tool (tucu) OOZIE-729 SubmitMRCommand & SubmitMRXCommant testcases fail with Hadoop 0.23 (tucu) OOZIE-726 Removing switch from default runtime scope to compile scope for hadooplib.xml assembly due to it pulling in JDK tools.jar with compile scope. (abayer via tucu) OOZIE-228 For authorization we should use the ACL model (tucu) OOZIE-715 Fix TestLocalOozieExample (angeloh via tucu) OOZIE-701 Oozie notification URLs don't get replaced with the taken transition (tucu) OOZIE-724 TestClassUtils fails as looks for hadoop-core (tucu) OOZIE-725 Increase JVM MaxPermSize value for the testcases (tucu) OOZIE-727 make test timeout value configurable via -D (tucu) OOZIE-677 Add Filter API for status on coordinator actions (Virag Kothari via Angelo) OOZIE-721 remove obsolete/not-used JobServlet and JobsServlet code (tucu) OOZIE-626 Roll the oozie log file in GZ format (Kiran Nagasubramanian via Angelo) OOZIE-693 Fork-join validation doesn't check for the 'error to' transition of nodes (Virag Kothari via Angelo) OOZIE-616 Moving action prepare FS execution to LauncherMapper ( Kiran Nagasubramanian via Angelo) OOZIE-687 The start time of the action is set after the job is already submitted to hadoop (Mohamed Battisha vis Angelo) OOZIE-712 Hive testcases fail with 0.23 (tucu) OOZIE-710 add a timeout to the surefire configuration (tucu) OOZIE-704 Sharelib action JARs for testcases should be collected leveraging Maven dependency information (tucu) OOZIE-703 Improve/Consolidate Hadoop job ID log harvesting logic (tucu) OOZIE-702 XTestCase minicluster fails with Hadoop 1.x (tucu) OOZIE-700 update hadooplibs versions (tucu) OOZIE-698 Make sharelib components version dependency configurable (tucu) OOZIE-696 scope of oozie-hadoop-test artifact is wrong (tucu) OOZIE-691 Fix testcases using launcher using Hadoop 0.23.x (tucu) OOZIE-690 use hadoop-client/hadoop-minicluster artifacts for Hadoop 0.23.1 & trunk (tucu) OOZIE-689 XTestCase proxyuser settings fails with Hadoop 1.0.0/0.23.1 (tucu) OOZIE-582 Adding new test cases for the feature - viewing log for coordinator actions in a given date range (harsh via tucu) OOZIE-499 Broken link in maven docs to config files (harsh via tucu) OOZIE-636 Validate fork-join (virag via tucu) OOZIE-685 Update License file with 3rd party license information. (Mohammad) OOZIE-678 Update NOTICE.txt to reflect the workcount binaries into oozie src(Mohammad) OOZIE-667 Change the way Oozie brings in Hadoop JARs into the build (tucu) OOZIE-673 Offset and len option not working as expected.(Virag via Mohammad) OOZIE-668 Adding license header into minitest/pom.xml.(Mohammad) OOZIE-665 Shell action doesn't capture multiple key-value pairs.(Mohammad) OOZIE-666 Oozie's Tomcat admin port is hardcoded. (tucu) OOZIE-662 Unit test failing: TestHostnameFilter. (tucu) OOZIE-651 Coordinator rerun fails due to NPE in some cases.(Virag via Mohammad) OOZIE-655 Information added to Oozie help.(Virag via Mohammad) OOZIE-642 Year support in dateOffset() El function.(Virag via Mohammad) OOZIE-652 Add proxyuser capabilities to Oozie HTTP API. (tucu) OOZIE-591 Oozie continues to materialize new actions after end date modification (Mohamed Battisha vis Angelo) OOZIE-639 Hive sharelib POM must exclude hadoop-core. (tucu) OOZIE-635 ShellMain closes the STD/ERR stream while shell is processing. (tucu) OOZIE-629 Oozie server to prevent usage of dataset initial-instance earlier than the system-defined default value.(Mona via Mohammad) OOZIE-621 Option to add timeunit for frequency for coordinator jobs filtering.(Kiran via Mohammad) OOZIE-627 Handle GZ log retrieval failures gracefully.(Kiran via Mohammad) OOZIE-8 Variable not getting replaced with value in workflow rerun.(Mona via Mohammad) OOZIE-15 Coordinator input/output event instance should limit 1 instance. (Mona via Mohammad) OOZIE-633 Create sharelib directory for oozie.(Mohammad) OOZIE-625 Oozie server not starting due to missing sl4j library for Authenticationfilter. (tucu) OOZIE-617 Add back Ssh action as extension. (tucu) OOZIE-578 Support shell action in Oozie WF (Mohammad) OOZIE-620 POMs clean/tune up before 3.2 release. (tucu) OOZIE-613 Update documentation for execution order.(Mohammad) OOZIE-589 Make the command requeue interval configurable.(Mohammad) OOZIE-156 Add support for a SQOOP action. (tucu) OOZIE-77 Oozie should support Kerberos authentication on its HTTP REST API. (tucu) OOZIE-622 Remove system sharelib tests from TestLiteWorkflowAppService. (tucu) OOZIE-588 Oozie to allow drill down to hadoop job's details (virag/params via Mohammad) OOZIE-68 Add Hive action. (tucu) OOZIE-608 Fix test failure for testCoordChangeXCommand, testCoordChangeEndTime Unit OOZIE-610 Oozie system share lib should have jars per action type. (tucu) OOZIE-565 Make Oozie compile against Hadoop 0.23. (tucu) OOZIE-609 Oozie services fail to start with log enabled. (tucu) OOZIE-607 Pig POM brings in several unneeded dependencies. (tucu) OOZIE-601 Oozie's POMs should use org.apache.oozie as group. (tucu) OOZIE-480 In Oozie-site.xml, if we specify oozie.services.ext property is not overriding the services. (tucu) OOZIE-602 Update the Hadoop version to be an Apache Hadoop version. (tucu) OOZIE-557 Simplify/normalize testing configuration when using different databases. (tucu via mohammad) OOZIE-590 Log Retrieval from multiple .gz archive files. (kiran via angeloh) OOZIE-587 Out of memory issues due to current query design. (virag via angeloh) OOZIE-600 Bump-up the version to 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT. (mohammad via angeloh) -- Oozie 3.1.3 release OOZIE-683 Add DISCLAIMER file in the root.(Mohammad) OOZIE-681 Update the contents of readme.txt.(Mohammad) OOZIE-680 oozie's assembly creates an extra level of empty subdirectory for docs. (rvs via tucu) -- Oozie 3.1.2 release OOZIE-38 LocalOozie example and improvement OOZIE-580 use xml element to handle string escape when configure evaluator OOZIE-585 Coordinator job fail to retrieve log with date range and action range. OOZIE-553 Ability to view log for coordinator actions that ran in a date range. OOZIE-581 Fix unit test failure in TestStatusTransitService.java. OOZIE-579 POM file changes for oozie version 3.1.2. OOZIE-26 Ability to get the log content from Archived file(.gz format) OOZIE-554 New filters for all kinds of jobs OOZIE-556 Sort on Web Console for non-string data type OOZIE-41 Usability improvement (Additional options) for coordinator job analysis on Web Console OOZIE-568 distcp action return error code -1 OOZIE-573 error message about misconfig in starting time of coordinator and initial-instance of dataset OOZIE-571 Oozie validate command doesnt work for schema 0.2 OOZIE-570 Oozie bundle is running but not materializing new actions OOZIE-25 Removing confusing exception trace during wf suspend/kill/resume OOZIE-567 Is sub-workflow lib directory not used? Libraries of both parent and child workflows need to be added to classpath OOZIE-564 Embedded pig within python fails when run using oozie OOZIE-569 Update documentation on external dataset definition OOZIE-572 Space missing between id and status for action id >= 1000 -- Oozie 3.1.0 release OOZIE-37 Documentation related modifications for "log -action" option OOZIE-35 add auto-rerun for error codes JA008 and JA009 in action executor OOZIE-21 Fixed bug forked subwf not returning status to the parent wf job OOZIE-28 update coordinator name to coord job at loadstate of coord-submit to avoid exception of bundle-status-update OOZIE-22 (Apache) Add support PostgreSQL OOZIE-10 add user-retry in workflow action OOZIE-540 CoordKillXCommand command uniqueness and increase priority OOZIE-552 support multiple shared lib path in oozie OOZIE-18 Option to view Workflow job details from Coordinator job detail popup OOZIE-17 Group column for coordinator jobs in Oozie Web Console OOZIE-11 Adding Distcp Action. OOZIE-6 Custom filters option and User information column added to Coordinator jobs section of Oozie Web Console OOZIE-5 Log retrieval for a Coordinator job with large number or actions OOZIE-7 Ability to view the log information corresponding to particular coordinator actions OOZIE-541: Update documentation for job-type in WS API OOZIE-498: Add an email action to Oozie OOZIE-518: merge changes for OOZIE-101 to ActionEndXCommand OOZIE-529: workflow kill node message is not resolved and set it to action error message OOZIE-528: adjust configuration for DBCP data source OOZIE-522: migrate jpa service changes to master branch from integration branch OOZIE-520: upgrade openjpa jar to 2.1.0 OOZIE-527: add coordinator 0.3 schema for app name parametrization OOZIE-518: ${wf:lastErrorNode()} is not set when an action ends in error OOZIE-516 action errorMessage is not being set OOZIE-524 add test case to test uniqueness of CoordActionInputCheckXCommand OOZIE-517 escape characters for xml when create dag evaluator OOZIE-515 parametrization of 'name' attribute in workflow/coordinator/bundle OOZIE-523 add new queue class to iterate next callable when current callable type has reached max concorrency OOZIE-525 Upgrade pom version to 3.1.0. OOZIE-550 Fs 'move' action made consistent and able to have existing target dir OOZIE-417 oozie-stop.sh is oblivious to 'catalina.sh stop' failing -- Oozie 3.0.2 release OOZIE-118 fix pipes program accept relative path OOZIE-120 coordinator resolve config default variable OOZIE-119 relative path in coord dataset include should throw exception if given OOZIE-115 oozie should check if app path is directory and read the app xml under it -- Oozie 3.0.1 release OOZIE-93 coordinator start and end instances doesn't work with float number. OOZIE-80 Make coordinator backward compatible OOZIE-58 Add date/time formatting function to coord. OOZIE-75 fix coord el function actualTime() OOZIE-73 increase executionPath of wf_actions to 1k. GH-0566 If Java Main exit code !=0, LauncherMapper should the exit code as the error code OOZIE-34 LauncherMapper security manager fails when a permission with context is check -- Oozie 3.0.0 release GH-0069 Create a coordinator bundle. GH-0070 Start a coordinator bundle. GH-0071 Pause a coordinator bundle. GH-0073 Suspend a coordinator bundle. GH-0072 Resume a coordinator bundle. GH-0065 Kill a coordinator bundle. GH-0074 Variable definition at coordinator bundle level. GH-0098 XCommand Code refactoring. GH-0099 JPA command refactor. GH-0077 Reprocessing of coordinator jobs. GH-0078 Option to rerun from failed node. GH-0075 Provide access to date list. GH-0077 Reprocess a complete coordinator bundle. GH-0110 Redesign Coordinator Job's status. GH-0111 Enforce precondition checking when executing coordinator commands. GH-0066 Oozie should not queue the same command more than once. GH-0067 Input data check should have a timeout for catch-up mode too. GH-0084 Reduce Oozie DB issues related to update SQL commands and excessive logging. GH-0079 Oozie command line documentation for Ops. GH-0086 Clean up temporary files in the user HDFS directory upon completion. GH-0141 Oozie uses excessive memory when doing purging. GH-0166 Modify the logic of adding .so and .so.1 files into cache. GH-0362 getting the job configuration through oozie command line. GH-0361 Throttle coordinator action/workflow creation per coordinator job . GH-0480 Support new Pig API to submit pig job GH-0461 Mapping the workflow ID to coordinator ID GH-0588 Adding Bundle to recovery service. OOZIE-23 Update oozie examples with new namespace version for workflow and coordinator. -- Oozie 2.3.0 release GH-0236 add support for -Dname=value to oozie CLI and make -config optional GH-0108 Add support for Derby as Oozie DB GH-0189 make ENV setting flexible to allow Unix standard layout for conf/logs/data/tmp GH-0149 create sharelib module with Pig/Streaming JARs GH-0119 support for user() EL function in coord apps GH-0131 add an embedded tomcat in Oozie distribution GH-0026 add support for multiple workflow XMLs in a single directory GH-0027 support for a share lib directory in HDFS for workflow action binaries GH-0106 support for a system share lib directory in HDFS for workflow action binaries GH-0034 update/simplify examples GH-0050 Oozie jobs configuration properties with variables should be resolved to concrete values. -- Oozie 2.2.5 release GH-0372 Change logs output for missing dependencies GH-0332 Adding Credentials Module GH-0066 Add Uniqueness functionality to queue GH-0141 Oozie uses excessive memory when doing purging -- Oozie 2.2.3 release GH-0055 Oozie should not materialize a coordinator job right after its submission if the job will only run in far future GH-0046 Add support the coordiator job submitted to run in far future -- Oozie 2.2.2 release GH-0040 coordinator rerun doesn't consider empty output-event GH-0041 update ojdbc version GH-0001 references SVN in bin/mkdistro.sh -- Oozie 2.2.1 release GH-0010 POM cleanup, remove unneeded repositories, remove/exclude commons-cli 2.0 -- Oozie 2.2.0 release - adding Pig version number to pig execution log in launcher log - simplify Oozie build - oozie documentation is not included in oozie.war and standalone as docs.zip - simplify Oozie config/logs loading - fixing location of RowExpander.js for web console in index.html - jpa configuration refactoring - Fix oozie UI - Stop checking input directories if unable to find anyone directory - Read default timeout from config file. - Change update query to only modify required fields. - Simplify client utility methods - Http Submission of single MR/PIG job without corresponding workflow.xml - oozie launcher failed when pig log not found. - client API addArchive does not link file to a directory - oozie.libpath needs to start with hdfs://namenode when submit pig job to certain versions of hadoop clusters -- Oozie 2.1.0 release - compositecommand uses hardcoded type, this limits concurrency by command type - testcases time doubled, lot of exceptions on command queue on shutdown - Set default coordinator action timeout to 2 hours. - build/assembly changes - oozie mistakes namenode as the jobtracker at white list validation - single distribution should work both with Hadoop 20 and 20S - use comma as separator for datasets - Oozie should not package the Hadoop JARs - Whitelist of valid Jobtracker & Namenode URIs - blank whitelist should allow any namenode/jobtracker - EL function in oozie coordinator to check data dependencies on the closest future data date - EL function to generate a UTC date based on another UTC date - instrumentation for commands in the queue. - Queue Refactor - instrumentation for commands in the queue - Coordinator action rerun - Change end_time and concurrency for a running coordinator job - Change pause_time for a running coordinator job - Annotate error message with jobID - Set pending in SuspendCommand and reset pending in ResumeCommand - Set time in super class bean - Remove unnecessary command and service from the code. - CoordRecoveryCommand update the job status unconditionally - Fix admin -version - Need to revisit prioritization of coordinator commands - coordinator job takes long time (>10mins) to create new actions when released from being paused - Set NN and JT Principal in JavaActionExecutor - Adding support for hadoop 0.20.200 - Update document with two new EL functions in 2.1 -- Oozie 2.0.2 release -- Oozie coordinator