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Workflow ReRun


  • Only one of following two configurations is mandatory. Both should not be defined at the same time.
  • Skip nodes are comma separated list of action names. They can be any action nodes including decision node. If this value is empty, or null, and is false, than the whole workflow is rerunned.
  • The valid value of is true or false. By default its value is false. In case of setting this value to true, all the nodes where the status is OK will be skipped.
  • If secured hadoop version is used, the following two properties needs to be specified as well
    • mapreduce.jobtracker.kerberos.principal
    • dfs.namenode.kerberos.principal.
  • Configurations can be passed as -D param.
$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -rerun 14-20090525161321-oozie-joe<>


  • Workflow with id wfId should exist.
  • Workflow with id wfId should be in SUCCEEDED/KILLED/FAILED.
  • If specified , nodes in the config must be completed successfully.


  • Reloads the configs.
  • If no configuration is passed, existing coordinator/workflow configuration will be used. If configuration is passed then, it will be merged with existing workflow configuration. Input configuration will take the precedence.
  • Currently there is no way to remove an existing configuration but only override by passing a different value in the input configuration.
  • Creates a new Workflow Instance with the same wfId.
  • Deletes the actions that are not skipped from the DB and copies data from old Workflow Instance to new one for skipped actions.
  • Action handler will skip the nodes given in the config with the same exit transition as before.

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