Uses of Class

Packages that use OozieClientException

Uses of OozieClientException in org.apache.oozie.client

Methods in org.apache.oozie.client that throw OozieClientException
protected abstract  T conn)
 void OozieClient.change(String jobId, String changeValue)
          Change a coordinator job.
protected  HttpURLConnection OozieClient.createConnection(URL url, String method)
          Create http connection to oozie server.
 String OozieClient.dryrun(Properties conf)
          dryrun for a given job
 BundleJob OozieClient.getBundleJobInfo(String jobId)
          Get the info of a bundle job.
 List<BundleJob> OozieClient.getBundleJobsInfo(String filter, int start, int len)
          Return the info of the bundle jobs that match the filter.
 CoordinatorAction OozieClient.getCoordActionInfo(String actionId)
          Get the info of a coordinator action.
 CoordinatorJob OozieClient.getCoordJobInfo(String jobId)
          Get the info of a coordinator job.
 CoordinatorJob OozieClient.getCoordJobInfo(String jobId, int start, int len)
          Get the info of a coordinator job and subset actions.
 List<CoordinatorJob> OozieClient.getCoordJobsInfo(String filter, int start, int len)
          Return the info of the coordinator jobs that match the filter.
 String OozieClient.getJobDefinition(String jobId)
          Get the definition of a workflow job.
 String OozieClient.getJobId(String externalId)
          Return the workflow job Id for an external Id.
 WorkflowJob OozieClient.getJobInfo(String jobId)
          Get the info of a workflow job.
 WorkflowJob OozieClient.getJobInfo(String jobId, int start, int len)
          Get the info of a workflow job and subset actions.
 String OozieClient.getJobLog(String jobId)
          Get the log of a workflow job.
 void OozieClient.getJobLog(String jobId, String logRetrievalType, String logRetrievalScope, PrintStream ps)
          Get the log of a job.
 List<WorkflowJob> OozieClient.getJobsInfo(String filter)
          Return the info of the workflow jobs that match the filter.
 List<WorkflowJob> OozieClient.getJobsInfo(String filter, int start, int len)
          Return the info of the workflow jobs that match the filter.
 String OozieClient.getProtocolUrl()
          Return the Oozie URL used by the client and server for WS communications.
 List<String> OozieClient.getQueueDump()
          Return the Oozie queue's commands' dump
 String OozieClient.getServerBuildVersion()
          Return the Oozie server build version.
 void OozieClient.getSlaInfo(int start, int len)
          Print sla info about coordinator and workflow jobs and actions.
 OozieClient.SYSTEM_MODE OozieClient.getSystemMode()
          Returns if Oozie is in safe mode or not.
 WorkflowAction OozieClient.getWorkflowActionInfo(String actionId)
          Get the info of a workflow action.
 void OozieClient.kill(String jobId)
          Kill a workflow job.
 void OozieClient.reRun(String jobId, Properties conf)
          Rerun a workflow job.
 Void OozieClient.reRunBundle(String jobId, String coordScope, String dateScope, boolean refresh, boolean noCleanup)
          Rerun bundle coordinators.
 List<CoordinatorAction> OozieClient.reRunCoord(String jobId, String rerunType, String scope, boolean refresh, boolean noCleanup)
          Rerun coordinator actions.
 void OozieClient.resume(String jobId)
          Resume a workflow job.
 String conf)
          Submit and start a workflow job.
 void OozieClient.setSystemMode(OozieClient.SYSTEM_MODE status)
          Enable or disable safe mode.
 void OozieClient.start(String jobId)
          Start a workflow job.
 String OozieClient.submit(Properties conf)
          Submit a workflow job.
 String XOozieClient.submitMapReduce(Properties conf)
          Submit a Map/Reduce job via HTTP.
 String XOozieClient.submitPig(Properties conf, String pigScriptFile, String[] pigArgs)
          Submit a Pig job via HTTP.
 void OozieClient.suspend(String jobId)
          Suspend a workflow job.
 void OozieClient.validateWSVersion()
          Validate that the Oozie client and server instances are protocol compatible.

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