Package org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa

Interface Summary
JPAExecutor<T> Executor pattern interface that gives access to an EntityManager.

Class Summary
BundleActionGetJPAExecutor Load the BundleAction into a Bean and return it.
BundleActionInsertJPAExecutor Persist the BundleAction bean.
BundleActionsCountForJobGetJPAExecutor Load the number of actions for a bundle job.
BundleActionsDeleteForPurgeJPAExecutor Delete the list of BundleAction for a BundleJob and return the number of actions been deleted.
BundleActionsGetByLastModifiedTimeJPAExecutor Load the list of BundleAction ordered by lastModifiedTime
BundleActionsGetJPAExecutor Load the list of BundleAction return it.
BundleActionUpdateJPAExecutor Update the given bundle action bean to DB.
BundleJobDeleteJPAExecutor Delete bundle job
BundleJobGetCoordinatorsJPAExecutor Load the coordinators for specified bundle in the Coordinator job bean
BundleJobGetJPAExecutor Load the BundleJob into a Bean and return it.
BundleJobInfoGetJPAExecutor Load the BundleInfo and return it.
BundleJobInsertJPAExecutor Persist the BundleJob bean.
BundleJobsGetForPurgeJPAExecutor Load the list of completed BundleJob for purge ready.
BundleJobsGetNeedStartJPAExecutor Get a list of bundle Jobs that need to be started;
BundleJobsGetPausedJPAExecutor Get a list of paused bundle Jobs;
BundleJobsGetPendingJPAExecutor Get a list of Bundle Jobs that are in pending.
BundleJobsGetRunningJPAExecutor Get a list of Bundle Jobs that are are RUNNING or RUNNINGWITHERROR status.
BundleJobsGetUnpausedJPAExecutor Get a list of unpaused bundle Jobs;
BundleJobUpdateJPAExecutor Update the given bundle job bean to DB.
CoordActionGetForExternalIdJPAExecutor Load coordinator action by externalId.
CoordActionGetJPAExecutor Load the CoordinatorAction into a Bean and return it.
CoordActionInsertJPAExecutor Persist the CoordinatorAction bean.
CoordActionRemoveJPAExecutor Update the CoordinatorAction into a Bean and persist it.
CoordActionsActiveCountJPAExecutor Load the number of running actions for a coordinator job.
CoordActionsDeleteForPurgeJPAExecutor Delete the list of CoordinatorAction for a CoordJob and return the number of actions been deleted.
CoordActionsGetByLastModifiedTimeJPAExecutor Load the list of CoordinatorAction ordered by lastModifiedTime
CoordActionsGetForJobJPAExecutor Load the list of CoordinatorAction for a CoordJob and return the list.
CoordActionsPendingFalseCountGetJPAExecutor Load the number of pending actions for a coordinator job.
CoordActionsPendingFalseStatusCountGetJPAExecutor Load the number of pending actions for a status for a coordinator job.
CoordActionsRunningGetJPAExecutor Load the list of running CoordinatorAction and return the list.
CoordActionsSubsetGetForJobJPAExecutor Load the list of CoordinatorAction subset for a CoordJob and return the list.
CoordActionUpdateJPAExecutor Update the CoordinatorAction into a Bean and persist it
CoordJobDeleteJPAExecutor Delete coord job
CoordJobGetActionByActionNumberJPAExecutor Load the CoordinatorJob into a Bean and return it.
CoordJobGetActionForNominalTimeJPAExecutor Load coordinator action by nominal time.
CoordJobGetActionsForDatesJPAExecutor Load coordinator actions by dates.
CoordJobGetActionsJPAExecutor Load coordinator actions for a coordinator job.
CoordJobGetActionsSubsetJPAExecutor Load coordinator actions by start and len (a subset) for a coordinator job.
CoordJobGetJPAExecutor Load the CoordinatorJob into a Bean and return it.
CoordJobGetReadyActionsJPAExecutor Load coordinator actions in READY state for a coordinator job.
CoordJobGetRunningActionsCountJPAExecutor Load the number of running actions for a coordinator job.
CoordJobInfoGetJPAExecutor Load the CoordinatorInfo and return it.
CoordJobInsertJPAExecutor Persist the CoordinatorJob bean.
CoordJobsGetForPurgeJPAExecutor Load the list of completed CoordinatorJob for purge ready.
CoordJobsGetPausedJPAExecutor Get a list of paused bundle Jobs;
CoordJobsGetPendingJPAExecutor Get a list of Coordinator Jobs that are in pending.
CoordJobsGetUnpausedJPAExecutor Get a list of unpaused Coordinator Jobs;
CoordJobsToBeMaterializedJPAExecutor JPA command to get coordinator jobs which are qualify for Materialization.
CoordJobUpdateJPAExecutor Update the CoordinatorJob into a Bean and persist it.
SLAEventInsertJPAExecutor Persist the SLAEventBean bean.
SLAEventsGetForSeqIdJPAExecutor Load the list of SLAEventBean for a seqId and return the list.
SLAEventsGetJPAExecutor Load the list of SLAEventBean and return the list.
WorkflowActionGetJPAExecutor Load the WorkflowAction into a Bean and return it.
WorkflowActionInsertJPAExecutor Persist the WorkflowAction bean.
WorkflowActionsDeleteForPurgeJPAExecutor Delete the list of WorkflowAction for a WorkflowJob and return the number of actions been deleted.
WorkflowActionsGetForJobJPAExecutor Load the list of WorkflowAction for a WorkflowJob and return the list.
WorkflowActionsRunningGetJPAExecutor JPA Executor to get running workflow actions
WorkflowActionSubsetGetJPAExecutor JPA Command to get subset of workflow actions for a particular workflow.
WorkflowActionUpdateJPAExecutor Persist the WorkflowAction bean.
WorkflowIdGetForExternalIdJPAExecutor Get the Workflow ID with given external ID which will be assigned for the subworkflows.
WorkflowInfoWithActionsSubsetGetJPAExecutor This JPA Executor is responsible for getting the Workflow job with actions in certain range.
WorkflowJobDeleteJPAExecutor Delete workflow job
WorkflowJobGetActionsJPAExecutor Load workflow actions for a workflow job.
WorkflowJobGetJPAExecutor Load the WorkflowJob into a Bean and return it.
WorkflowJobInsertJPAExecutor Persist the WorkflowJob bean.
WorkflowJobsGetForPurgeJPAExecutor Load the list of completed WorkflowJob for purge ready.
WorkflowJobUpdateJPAExecutor Persist the WorkflowJob bean.

Exception Summary
JPAExecutorException Exception thrown by JPAExecutors.

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