Uses of Interface

Packages that use Schema.Column   

Uses of Schema.Column in

Classes in that implement Schema.Column
static class OozieSchema.OozieColumn

Fields in with type parameters of type Schema.Column
static Map<Schema.Table,List<Schema.Column>> OozieSchema.TABLE_COLUMNS

Methods in that return Schema.Column
 Schema.Column OozieSchema.OozieIndex.column()

Uses of Schema.Column in org.apache.oozie.util.db

Methods in org.apache.oozie.util.db that return Schema.Column
 Schema.Column Schema.Index.column()
          Column that is to be indexed

Methods in org.apache.oozie.util.db with parameters of type Schema.Column
static SqlStatement.Condition SqlStatement.between(Schema.Column column, Object lVal, Object rVal)
          BETWEEN range checking statement
<T> T
SqlStatement.ResultSetReader.get(Class<T> clazz, Schema.Column col)
          Get the Column data given its type and name
 Boolean SqlStatement.ResultSetReader.getBoolean(Schema.Column col)
          Get the Boolean Column
 byte[] SqlStatement.ResultSetReader.getByteArray(Schema.Column col)
          Get the data for columns with blob type
static String Schema.getDbDataType(Schema.Column column, Schema.DBType dbType)
          Returns the appropriate DB type for given column according to the DB Type
 Long SqlStatement.ResultSetReader.getLong(Schema.Column col)
          Get the Numeric data
 String SqlStatement.ResultSetReader.getString(Schema.Column col)
          Get a String Column
 Timestamp SqlStatement.ResultSetReader.getTimestamp(Schema.Column col)
          Get the Timestamp Column
static SqlStatement.Condition SqlStatement.greaterThan(Schema.Column column, Object value)
          Generate Condition statement for GREATER THAN condition checking
static SqlStatement.Condition SqlStatement.greaterThanOrEqual(Schema.Column column, Object value)
          Generate Condition statement for GREATER THAN OR EQUAL condition checking
static SqlStatement.Condition column, Object... values)
          IN Condition for checking multiple values
static SqlStatement.Condition column, SqlStatement.Select select)
          Sub query with IN condition
static SqlStatement.Condition SqlStatement.isEqual(Schema.Column column, Object value)
          Generate Condition statement for equality check
static SqlStatement.Condition SqlStatement.isLike(Schema.Column column, String value)
          Generate condition statement for IS LIKE
static SqlStatement.Condition SqlStatement.isNotEqual(Schema.Column column, Object value)
          Generate InEquality Condition statement
static SqlStatement.Condition SqlStatement.isNotLike(Schema.Column column, String value)
          Generates condition statement for IS NOT LIKE
static SqlStatement.Condition SqlStatement.isNotNull(Schema.Column column)
          Generate condition statement for IS NOT NULL
static SqlStatement.Condition SqlStatement.isNull(Schema.Column column)
          Generate condition statement for IS NULL
static SqlStatement.Condition SqlStatement.lessThan(Schema.Column column, Object value)
          Generate Condition statement for LESS THAN condition checking
static SqlStatement.Condition SqlStatement.lessThanOrEqual(Schema.Column column, Object value)
          Generate Condition statement for LESS THAN OR EQUAL condition checking
static SqlStatement.Condition SqlStatement.notBetween(Schema.Column column, Object lVal, Object rVal)
          NOT BETWEEN range checking statement
static SqlStatement.Condition SqlStatement.notIn(Schema.Column column, Object... values)
          NOT IN Condition for checking multiple values
static SqlStatement.Condition SqlStatement.notIn(Schema.Column column, SqlStatement.Select select)
          Sub query with NOT IN condition
 SqlStatement.Select SqlStatement.Select.orderBy(Schema.Column column, boolean order)
          Sets the column to sort and the order of sort
 SqlStatement.Select SqlStatement.Select.orderBy(Schema.Column column0, boolean order0, Schema.Column column1, boolean order1)
          To sort 2 columns
static SqlStatement.Select SqlStatement.selectColumns(Schema.Column... columns)
          Return a Select Statement
 SqlStatement.Update SqlStatement.Update.set(Schema.Column column, Object value)
          SET clause for update statement
 SqlStatement.Insert SqlStatement.Insert.value(Schema.Column column, Object value)
          Set the VALUES that are to be inserted

Method parameters in org.apache.oozie.util.db with type arguments of type Schema.Column
static String Schema.generateCreateTableScript(Schema.Table table, Schema.DBType dbType, List<Schema.Column> tableColumns)
          Generates the SQL Statement for creating the table

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