Uses of Class

Packages that use StoreException

Uses of StoreException in org.apache.oozie.command

Methods in org.apache.oozie.command that throw StoreException
protected abstract  T store)
          DagCallable subclasses must implement this method to perform their task.
protected  T Command.execute(S store)

Uses of StoreException in org.apache.oozie.command.coord

Methods in org.apache.oozie.command.coord that throw StoreException
protected  Void CoordActionMaterializeCommand.execute(CoordinatorStore store)

Uses of StoreException in org.apache.oozie.service

Methods in org.apache.oozie.service that throw StoreException
abstract  WorkflowStore WorkflowStoreService.create()
          Return a workflow store instance with a fresh transaction.
 SLAStore SLAStoreService.create()
          Return a SLA store instance with a fresh transaction.
 WorkflowStore DBLiteWorkflowStoreService.create()
 CoordinatorStore CoordinatorStoreService.create()
          Return a workflow store instance with a fresh transaction.
<S extends Store>
WorkflowStoreService.create(S store)
          Return a workflow store instance with an existing transaction.
<S extends Store>
SLAStoreService.create(S store)
          Return a SLA store instance with an existing transaction.
<S extends Store>
DBLiteWorkflowStoreService.create(S store)
<S extends Store>
CoordinatorStoreService.create(S store)
          Return a workflow store instance with an existing transaction.
<S extends Store>
StoreService.getStore(Class<S> klass)
          Return instance of store.
<S extends Store,T extends Store>
StoreService.getStore(Class<S> klass, T store)
          Return instance of store with an EntityManager pointing to an existing Store.

Uses of StoreException in

Methods in that throw StoreException
 void CoordinatorStore.close()
 void CoordinatorStore.commit()
 void WorkflowStore.deleteAction(String id)
          Delete the Action with given id.
 WorkflowActionBean WorkflowStore.getAction(String id, boolean locking)
          Load the action data and returns a bean.
 Integer CoordinatorStore.getActionsForCoordinatorJob(String jobId, boolean locking)
          Loads all actions for the given Coordinator job.
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowStore.getActionsForWorkflow(String wfId, boolean locking)
          Loads all the actions for the given Workflow.
 List<CoordinatorActionBean> CoordinatorStore.getActionsSubsetForCoordinatorJob(String jobId, int start, int len)
          Loads given number of actions for the given Coordinator job.
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowStore.getActionsSubsetForWorkflow(String wfId, int start, int len)
          Loads given number of actions for the given Workflow.
 CoordinatorActionBean CoordinatorStore.getCoordActionForNominalTime(String jobId, Date nominalTime)
          Get coordinator action bean for given date
 List<CoordinatorActionBean> CoordinatorStore.getCoordActionsForDates(String jobId, Date startDate, Date endDate)
          Get coordinator action beans for given start date and end date
 CoordinatorActionBean CoordinatorStore.getCoordinatorAction(String id, boolean locking)
          Load the CoordinatorAction into a Bean and return it.
 List<CoordinatorActionBean> CoordinatorStore.getCoordinatorActionsForJob(String id, int numResults, String executionOrder)
          Return CoordinatorActions for a jobID.
 CoordinatorJobInfo CoordinatorStore.getCoordinatorInfo(Map<String,List<String>> filter, int start, int len)
 CoordinatorJobBean CoordinatorStore.getCoordinatorJob(String id, boolean locking)
          Load the CoordinatorJob into a Bean and return it.
 List<CoordinatorJobBean> CoordinatorStore.getCoordinatorJobsOlderThanStatus(long checkAgeSecs, String status, int limit, boolean locking)
          A list of Coordinator Jobs that are matched with the status and have last materialized time' older than checkAgeSecs will be returned.
 List<CoordinatorJobBean> CoordinatorStore.getCoordinatorJobsToBeMaterialized(Date d, int limit)
          Get a list of Coordinator Jobs that should be materialized.
 int CoordinatorStore.getCoordinatorRunningActionsCount(String id)
          Return CoordinatorActions for a jobID.
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowStore.getPendingActions(long minimumPendingAgeSecs)
          Load All the actions that are pending for more than given time.
 List<String> CoordinatorStore.getRecoveryActionsGroupByJobId(long checkAgeSecs)
 List<CoordinatorActionBean> CoordinatorStore.getRecoveryActionsOlderThan(long checkAgeSecs, boolean locking)
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowStore.getRetryAndManualActions(String wfId)
          Load All the actions that are START_RETRY or START_MANUAL or END_RETRY or END_MANUAL.
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowStore.getRunningActions(long checkAgeSecs)
          Load All the actions that are running and were last checked after now - miminumCheckAgeSecs
 List<CoordinatorActionBean> CoordinatorStore.getRunningActionsForCoordinatorJob(String jobId, boolean locking)
 List<CoordinatorActionBean> CoordinatorStore.getRunningActionsOlderThan(long checkAgeSecs, boolean locking)
 List<SLAEventBean> SLAStore.getSLAEventListNewerSeqLimited(long seqId, int limitLen, long[] lastSeqId)
          Deprecated. Get a list of SLA Events newer than a specific sequence with limit clause.
 WorkflowJobBean WorkflowStore.getWorkflow(String id, boolean locking)
          Load the Workflow into a Bean and return it.
 int WorkflowStore.getWorkflowCountWithStatus(String status)
          Get the number of Workflows with the given status.
 int WorkflowStore.getWorkflowCountWithStatusInLastNSeconds(String status, int secs)
          Get the number of Workflows with the given status which was modified in given time limit.
 String WorkflowStore.getWorkflowIdForExternalId(String externalId)
          Get the Workflow ID with given external ID which will be assigned for the subworkflows.
 WorkflowJobBean WorkflowStore.getWorkflowInfo(String id)
          Load the Workflow and all Action details and return a WorkflowJobBean.
 WorkflowJobBean WorkflowStore.getWorkflowInfoWithActionsSubset(String id, int start, int len)
          Load the Workflow and subset Actions details and return a WorkflowJobBean.
 WorkflowsInfo WorkflowStore.getWorkflowsInfo(Map<String,List<String>> filter, int start, int len)
          Loads all the jobs that are satisfying the given filter condition.
 void WorkflowStore.insertAction(WorkflowActionBean action)
          Create a new Action record in the ACTIONS table with the given Bean.
 void CoordinatorStore.insertCoordinatorAction(CoordinatorActionBean action)
          Create a new Action record in the ACTIONS table with the given Bean.
 void CoordinatorStore.insertCoordinatorJob(CoordinatorJobBean coordinatorJob)
          Create a CoordJobBean.
 void SLAStore.insertSLAEvent(SLAEventBean slaEvent)
          Deprecated. Create a CoordJobBean.
 void WorkflowStore.insertWorkflow(WorkflowJobBean workflow)
          Create a Workflow and return a WorkflowJobBean.
 void WorkflowStore.purge(long olderThanDays, int limit)
          Purge the Workflows Completed older than given days.
 void CoordinatorStore.purge(long olderThanDays, int limit)
          Purge the coordinators completed older than given days.
 void WorkflowStore.updateAction(WorkflowActionBean action)
          Update the given action bean to DB.
 void CoordinatorStore.updateCoordActionMin(CoordinatorActionBean action)
          Update the given action bean to DB.
 void CoordinatorStore.updateCoordinatorAction(CoordinatorActionBean action)
          Update the given action bean to DB.
 void CoordinatorStore.updateCoordinatorJob(CoordinatorJobBean job)
          Update the given coordinator job bean to DB.
 void CoordinatorStore.updateCoordinatorJobStatus(CoordinatorJobBean job)
 void WorkflowStore.updateWorkflow(WorkflowJobBean wfBean)
          Update the data from Workflow Bean to DB along with the workflow instance data.

Constructors in that throw StoreException
CoordinatorStore(boolean selectForUpdate)
CoordinatorStore(Store store, boolean selectForUpdate)
SLAStore(Store store)
WorkflowStore(boolean selectForUpdate)
WorkflowStore(Connection connection, boolean selectForUpdate)
WorkflowStore(Connection connection, Store store, boolean selectForUpdate)
WorkflowStore(Store store, boolean selectForUpdate)

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