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IMPORTANT: Oozie ignores any set value for OOZIE_HOME , Oozie computes its home automatically.
When running Oozie with its embedded Tomcat server, the conf/oozie-env.sh file can be used to configure the following environment variables used by Oozie:
CATALINA_OPTS : settings for the Embedded Tomcat that runs Oozie Java System properties for Oozie should be specified in this variable. No default value.
OOZIE_CONFIG_FILE : Oozie configuration file to load from Oozie configuration directory. Default value oozie-site.xml .
OOZIE_LOGS : Oozie logs directory. Default value logs/ directory in the Oozie installation directory.
OOZIE_LOG4J_FILE : Oozie Log4J configuration file to load from Oozie configuration directory. Default value oozie-log4j.properties .
OOZIE_LOG4J_RELOAD : Reload interval of the Log4J configuration file, in seconds. Default value 10
OOZIE_HTTP_PORT : The port Oozie server runs. Default value 11000 .
OOZIE_ADMIN_PORT : The admin port Oozie server runs. Default value 11001 .
OOZIE_HTTP_HOSTNAME : The host name Oozie server runs on. Default value is the output of the command hostname -f .
OOZIE_BASE_URL : The base URL for actions callback URLs to Oozie. The default value is http://${OOZIE_HTTP_HOSTNAME}:${OOZIE_HTTP_PORT}/oozie .
OOZIE_CHECK_OWNER : If set to true , Oozie setup/start/run/stop scripts will check that the owner of the Oozie installation directory matches the user invoking the script. The default value is undefined and interpreted as a false .
If Oozie is configured to use HTTPS (SSL), then the following environment variables are also used:
OOZIE_HTTPS_PORT : The port Oozie server runs when using HTTPS. Default value 11443 .
OOZIE_HTTPS_KEYSTORE_FILE : The location of the keystore file containing the certificate information. Default value ${HOME}/.keystore (i.e. the home dir of the Oozie user).
OOZIE_HTTPS_KEYSTORE_PASS : The password of the keystore file. Default value password .
The oozie-setup.sh script prepares the embedded Tomcat server to run Oozie.
The oozie-setup.sh script options are:
Usage : oozie-setup.sh <OPTIONS>" prepare-war [-hadoop HADOOP_VERSION HADOOP_PATH] [-extjs EXTJS_PATH] [-jars JARS_PATH] [-secure]" (prepare-war is to prepare war files for oozie)" (Hadoop version [0.20.1|0.20.2|0.20.104|0.20.200|0.23.x|2.x] and Hadoop install dir)" (EXTJS_PATH is expanded or ZIP, to enable the Oozie webconsole)" (JARS_PATH is multiple JAR path separated by ':')" (-secure will configure the war file to use HTTPS (SSL))" sharelib create -fs FS_URI [-locallib SHARED_LIBRARY] (create sharelib for oozie," FS_URI is the fs.default.name" for hdfs uri; SHARED_LIBRARY, path to the" Oozie sharelib to install, it can be a tarball" or an expanded version of it. If ommited," the Oozie sharelib tarball from the Oozie" installation directory will be used)" (action failes if sharelib is already installed" in HDFS)" sharelib upgrade -fs FS_URI [-locallib SHARED_LIBRARY] (upgrade existing sharelib, fails if there" is no existing sharelib installed in HDFS)" (without options prints usage information)"
If a directory libext/ is present in Oozie installation directory, the oozie-setup.sh script include all JARs in the libext/ directory in Oozie WAR file.
If the ExtJS ZIP file is present in the libext/ directory, it will be added to Oozie WAR as well. The ExtJS library file name be ext-2.2.zip .
Use the addtowar.sh script to prepare the Oozie server only if Oozie will run with a different servlet container than the embedded Tomcat provided with the distribution.
The addtowar.sh script adds Hadoop JARs, JDBC JARs and the ExtJS library to the Oozie WAR file.
The addtowar.sh script options are:
Usage : addtowar <OPTIONS> Options: -inputwar INPUT_OOZIE_WAR -outputwar OUTPUT_OOZIE_WAR [-hadoop HADOOP_VERSION HADOOP_PATH] [-extjs EXTJS_PATH] [-jars JARS_PATH] (multiple JAR path separated by ':') [-secureWeb WEB_XML_PATH] (path to secure web.xml)
The original oozie.war file is in the Oozie server installation directory.
After the Hadoop JARs and the ExtJS library has been added to the oozie.war file Oozie is ready to run.
Delete any previous deployment of the oozie.war from the servlet container (if using Tomcat, delete =oozie.war= and oozie directory from Tomcat's webapps/ directory)
Deploy the prepared oozie.war file (the one that contains the Hadoop JARs adn the ExtJS library) in the servlet container (if using Tomcat, copy the prepared oozie.war file to Tomcat's webapps/ directory).
IMPORTANT: Only one Oozie instance can be deployed per Tomcat instance.
Oozie works with HSQL, Derby, MySQL, Oracle or PostgreSQL databases.
By default, Oozie is configured to use Embedded Derby.
Oozie bundles the JDBC drivers for HSQL, Embedded Derby and PostgreSQL.
HSQL is normally used for testcases as it is an in-memory database and all data is lost everytime Oozie is stopped.
If using Derby, MySQL, Oracle or PostgreSQL, the Oozie database schema must be created using the ooziedb.sh command line tool.
If using MySQL or Oracle, the corresponding JDBC driver JAR file mut be copied to Oozie's libext/ directory and it must be added to Oozie WAR file using the bin/addtowar.sh or the oozie-setup.sh scripts using the -jars option.
The SQL database used by Oozie is configured using the following configuration properties (default values shown):
oozie.db.schema.name=oozie oozie.service.JPAService.create.db.schema=false oozie.service.JPAService.validate.db.connection=false oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.driver=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.url=jdbc:derby:${oozie.data.dir}/${oozie.db.schema.name}-db;create=true oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.username=sa oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.password= oozie.service.JPAService.pool.max.active.conn=10
NOTE: If the oozie.db.schema.create property is set to true (default value is false ) the Oozie tables will be created automatically without having to use the ooziedb command line tool. Setting this property to true it is recommended only for development.
NOTE: If the oozie.db.schema.create property is set to true, the oozie.service.JPAService.validate.db.connection property value is ignored and Oozie handles it as set to false .
Once oozie-site.xml has been configured with the database configuration execute the ooziedb.sh command line tool to create the database:
$ bin/ooziedb.sh create -sqlfile oozie.sql -runValidate DB Connection. DONE Check DB schema does not exist DONE Check OOZIE_SYS table does not exist DONE Create SQL schema DONE DONE Create OOZIE_SYS table DONE Oozie DB has been created for Oozie version '3.2.0' The SQL commands have been written to: oozie.sql $
NOTE: If using MySQL or Oracle, copy the corresponding JDBC driver JAR file to the libext/ directory before running the ooziedb.sh command line tool.
NOTE: If instead using the '-run' option, the '-sqlfile
If using HSQL there is no need to use the ooziedb command line tool as HSQL is an im-memory database. Use the following configuration properties in the oozie-site.xml:
oozie.db.schema.name=oozie oozie.service.JPAService.create.db.schema=true oozie.service.JPAService.validate.db.connection=false oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.url=jdbc:hsqldb:mem:${oozie.db.schema.name} oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.username=sa oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.password= oozie.service.JPAService.pool.max.active.conn=10
By default, Oozie configuration is read from Oozie's conf/ directory
The Oozie configuration is distributed in 3 different files:
All Oozie configuration properties and their default values are defined in the oozie-default.xml file.
Oozie resolves configuration property values in the following order:
NOTE: The oozie-default.xml file found in Oozie's conf/ directory is not used by Oozie, it is there for reference purposes only.
By default, Oozie log configuration is defined in the oozie-log4j.properties configuration file.
If the Oozie log configuration file changes, Oozie reloads the new settings automatically.
By default, Oozie logs to Oozie's logs/ directory.
Oozie logs in 4 different files:
The embedded Tomcat and embedded Derby log files are also written to Oozie's logs/ directory.
Oozie supports Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO authentication, pseudo/simple authentication and anonymous access for client connections.
Anonymous access (*default*) does not require the user to authenticate and the user ID is obtained from the job properties on job submission operations, other operations are anonymous.
Pseudo/simple authentication requires the user to specify the user name on the request, this is done by the PseudoAuthenticator class by injecting the user.name parameter in the query string of all requests. The user.name parameter value is taken from the client process Java System property user.name .
Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO authentication requires the user to perform a Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO authentication sequence.
If Pseudo/simple or Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO authentication mechanisms are used, Oozie will return the user an authentication token HTTP Cookie that can be used in later requests as identy proof.
Oozie uses Apache Hadoop-Auth (Java HTTP SPENGO) library for authentication. This library can be extended to support other authentication mechanisms.
Oozie user authentication is configured using the following configuration properties (default values shown):
oozie.authentication.type=simple oozie.authentication.token.validity=36000 oozie.authentication.signature.secret= oozie.authentication.cookie.domain= oozie.authentication.simple.anonymous.allowed=true oozie.authentication.kerberos.principal=HTTP/localhost@${local.realm} oozie.authentication.kerberos.keytab=${oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.keytab.file}
The type defines authentication used for Oozie HTTP endpoint, the supported values are: simple | kerberos | #AUTHENTICATION_HANDLER_CLASSNAME#.
The token.validity indicates how long (in seconds) an authentication token is valid before it has to be renewed.
The signature.secret is the signature secret for signing the authentication tokens. If not set a random secret is generated at startup time.
The oozie.authentication.cookie.domain The domain to use for the HTTP cookie that stores the authentication token. In order to authentiation to work correctly across all Hadoop nodes web-consoles the domain must be correctly set.
The simple.anonymous.allowed indicates if anonymous requests are allowed. This setting is meaningful only when using 'simple' authentication.
The kerberos.principal indicates the Kerberos principal to be used for HTTP endpoint. The principal MUST start with 'HTTP/' as per Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO specification.
The kerberos.keytab indicates the location of the keytab file with the credentials for the principal. It should be the same keytab file Oozie uses for its Kerberos credentials for Hadoop.
Oozie works with Hadoop versions which support Kerberos authentication.
Oozie Hadoop authentication is configured using the following configuration properties (default values shown):
oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.kerberos.enabled=false local.realm=LOCALHOST oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.keytab.file=${user.home}/oozie.keytab oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.kerberos.principal=${user.name}/localhost@{local.realm}
The above default values are for a Hadoop 0.20 secure distribution (with support for Kerberos authentication).
To enable Kerberos authentication, the following property must be set:
When using Kerberos authentication, the following properties must be set to the correct values (default values shown):
local.realm=LOCALHOST oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.keytab.file=${user.home}/oozie.keytab oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.kerberos.principal=${user.name}/localhost@{local.realm}
IMPORTANT: When using Oozie with a Hadoop 20 with Security distribution, the Oozie user in Hadoop must be configured as a proxy user.
Oozie supports impersonation or proxyuser functionality (identical to Hadoop proxyuser capabilities and conceptually similar to Unix 'sudo').
Proxyuser enables other systems that are Oozie clients to submit jobs on behalf of other users.
Because proxyuser is a powerful capability, Oozie provides the following restriction capabilities (similar to Hadoop):
There are 2 configuration properties needed to set up a proxyuser:
Both properties support the '*' wildcard as value. Although this is recommended only for testing/development.
Oozie has a basic authorization model:
If security is disabled all users are admin users.
Oozie security is set via the following configuration property (default value shown):
NOTE: the old ACL model where a group was provided is still supported if the following property is set in oozie-site.xml :
Admin users are determined from the list of admin groups, specified in oozie.service.AuthorizationService.admin.groups property. Use commas to separate multiple groups, spaces, tabs and ENTER characters are trimmed.
If the above property for admin groups is not set, then the admin users are the users specified in the conf/adminusers.txt file. The syntax of this file is:
Oozie has a system ID that is is used to generate the Oozie temporary runtime directory, the workflow job IDs, and the workflow action IDs.
Two Oozie systems running with the same ID will not have any conflict but in case of troubleshooting it will be easier to identify resources created/used by the different Oozie systems if they have different system IDs (default value shown):
Oozie lets you to configure the allowed Filesystems by using the following configuration property in oozie-site.xml:
<property> <name>oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.supported.filesystems</name> <value>hdfs</value> </property>
The above value, hdfs , which is the default, means that Oozie will only allow HDFS filesystems to be used. Examples of other filesystems that Oozie is compatible with are: hdfs, hftp, webhdfs, and viewfs. Multiple filesystems can be specified as comma-separated values. Putting a * will allow any filesystem type, effectively disabling this check.
IMPORTANT : The default HTTPS configuration will cause all Oozie URLs to use HTTPS except for the JobTracker callback URLs. This is to simply configuration (no changes needed outside of Oozie), but this is okay because Oozie doesn't inherently trust the callbacks anyway; they are used as hints.
The related environment variables are explained at Environment Setup .
You can use either a certificate from a Certificate Authority or a Self-Signed Certificate. Using a self-signed certificate requires some additional configuration on each Oozie client machine.
There are many ways to create a Self-Signed Certificate, this is just one way. We will be using the keytool program, which is included with your JRE. If its not on your path, you should be able to find it in $JAVA_HOME/bin.
1. Run the following command (as the Oozie user) to create a keystore file:
keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSAThe keystore file will be named .keystore and located in the Oozie user's home directory.
2. Run the following command (as the Oozie user); you will be asked a series of questions in an interactive prompt.
keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSAThe password you enter for "keystore password" and "key password for
3. Run the following command (as the Oozie user) to export a certificate file from the keystore file:
keytool -exportcert -alias tomcat -file path/to/where/I/want/my/certificate.cert
1. You will need to make a request to a Certificate Authority in order to obtain a proper Certificate; please consult a Certificate Authority on this procedure.
2. Once you have your .cert file, run the following command (as the Oozie user) to create a keystore file from your certificate:
keytool -import -alias tomcat -file path/to/certificate.certThe keystore file will be named .keystore and located in the Oozie user's home directory.
1. Make sure the Oozie server isn't running
2. Run the following command (as the Oozie user):
oozie-setup.sh prepare-war -secureThis will configure Oozie to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. To revert back to HTTP, simply rerun the command without -secure .
3. Start the Oozie server
The first two steps are only necessary if you are using a Self-Signed Certificate; the third is required either way. Also, these steps must be done on every machine where you intend to use the Oozie Client.
1. Copy or download the .cert file onto the client machine
2. Run the following command (as root) to import the certificate into the JRE's keystore. This will allow any Java program, including the Oozie client, to connect to the Oozie Server using your self-signed certificate.
sudo keytool -import -alias tomcat -file path/to/certificate.cert -keystore ${JRE_cacerts}Where ${JRE_cacerts} is the path to the JRE's certs file. It's location may differ depending on the Operating System, but its typically called cacerts and located at ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/security/cacerts but may be under a different directory in ${JAVA_HOME} (you may want to create a backup copy of this file first). The default password is changeit .
3. When using the Oozie Client, you will need to use https://oozie.server.hostname:11443/oozie instead of http://oozie.server.hostname:11000/oozie -- Java will not automatically redirect from the http address to the https address.
1. Use https://oozie.server.hostname:11443/oozie though most browsers should automatically redirect you if you use http://oozie.server.hostname:11000/oozie
IMPORTANT : If using a Self-Signed Certificate, your browser will warn you that it can't verify the certificate or something similar. You will probably have to add your certificate as an exception.
Copy and expand the oozie-client TAR.GZ file bundled with the distribution. Add the bin/ directory to the PATH .
Refer to the Command Line Interface Utilities document for a a full reference of the oozie command line tool.
The Oozie share lib TAR.GZ file bundled with the distribution contains the necessary files to run Oozie map-reduce streaming and pig actions.
The bundled Streaming and Pig JARs are the ones used by Oozie testcases.
By default Oozie runs coordinator and bundle jobs using UTC timezone for datetime values specified in the application XML and in the job parameter properties. This includes coordinator applications start and end times of jobs, coordinator datasets initial-instance, bundle applications kick-offtimes. In addition, coordinator dataset instance URI templates will be resolved using datetime values of the Oozie processing timezone.
It is possible to set the Oozie processing timezone to a timezone that is an offset of UTC, alternate timezones must expressed in using a GMT offset ( GMT+/-#### ). For example: GMT+0530 (India timezone).
To change the default UTC timezone, use the oozie.processing.timezone property in the oozie-site.xml . For example:
<configuration> <property> <name>oozie.processing.timezone</name> <value>GMT+0530</value> </property> </configuration>
IMPORTANT: If using a processing timezone other than UTC , all datetime values in coordinator and bundle jobs must be expressed in the corresponding timezone, for example 2012-08-08T12:42+0530 .
NOTE: It is strongly encouraged to use UTC , the default Oozie processing timezone.
For more details on using an alternate Oozie processing timezone, please reffer to the Coordinator Fuctional Specification, section '4. Datetime'
For Map-Reduce jobs (not including streaming or pipes), additional jar files can also be included via an uber jar. An uber jar is a jar file that contains additional jar files within a "lib" folder (see Workflow Functional Specification for more information). Submitting a workflow with an uber jar requires at least Hadoop 2.2.0 or 1.2.0. As such, using uber jars in a workflow is disabled by default. To enable this feature, use the oozie.action.mapreduce.uber.jar.enable property in the oozie-site.xml (and make sure to use a supported version of Hadoop).
<configuration> <property> <name>oozie.action.mapreduce.uber.jar.enable</name> <value>true</value> </property> </configuration>
Oozie can be configured to use Unix standard filesystem hierarchy for its different files (configuration, logs, data and temporary files).
These settings must be done in the bin/oozie-env.sh script.
This script is sourced before the configuration oozie-env.sh and supports additional environment variables (shown with their default values):
export OOZIE_CONFIG=${OOZIE_HOME}/conf export OOZIE_DATA={OOZIE_HOME}/data export OOZIE_LOG={OOZIE_HOME}/logs export CATALINA_BASE=${OOZIE_HOME}/oozie-server export CATALINA_TMPDIR=${OOZIE_HOME}/oozie-server/temp export CATALINA_OUT=${OOZIE_LOGS}/catalina.out export CATALINA_PID=/tmp/oozie.pid
Sample values to make Oozie follow Unix standard filesystem hierarchy:
export OOZIE_CONFIG=/etc/oozie export OOZIE_DATA=/var/lib/oozie export OOZIE_LOG=/var/log/oozie export CATALINA_BASE=${OOZIE_DATA}/oozie-server export CATALINA_TMPDIR=/tmp export CATALINA_PID=/tmp/oozie.pid