Package org.apache.oozie.client

Interface Summary
BulkResponse Bean that represents an Oozie application instance.
BundleJob Bean that represents an Oozie bundle.
CoordinatorAction Bean that represents an Oozie application instance.
CoordinatorJob Bean that represents an Oozie application.
Job Interface that represents an Oozie Job.
SLAEvent Bean that represents a SLA event
WorkflowAction Bean that represents a workflow action in a workflow job.
WorkflowJob Bean that represents a workflow job.

Class Summary
AuthOozieClient This subclass of XOozieClient supports Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO and simple authentication.
OozieClient Client API to submit and manage Oozie workflow jobs against an Oozie intance.

Enum Summary
BundleJob.Timeunit Defines the possible frequency unit of all Oozie applications in Bundle.
CoordinatorAction.Status Defines the possible stati of an application instance.
CoordinatorJob.Execution Defines the possible execution order of an Oozie application.
CoordinatorJob.Timeunit Defines the possible frequency unit of an Oozie application.
Job.Status Defines the possible status of an Oozie JOB.
SLAEvent.SlaAppType Defines the possible status of an SLA events.
SLAEvent.Status Defines the possible status of an SLA events or Job status for SLA events.
WorkflowAction.Status Defines the possible stati of a action.
WorkflowJob.Status Defines the possible stati of a workflow.

Exception Summary
OozieClientException Exception thrown by the OozieClient.

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