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Uses of Class org.apache.oozie.WorkflowActionBean (Apache Oozie Core 3.3.2 API)

Uses of Class

Packages that use WorkflowActionBean

Uses of WorkflowActionBean in org.apache.oozie

Methods in org.apache.oozie that return WorkflowActionBean
static WorkflowActionBean DagELFunctions.getAction()
 WorkflowActionBean DagEngine.getWorkflowAction(String actionId)

Methods in org.apache.oozie with parameters of type WorkflowActionBean
static void DagELFunctions.configureEvaluator(ELEvaluator evaluator, WorkflowJobBean workflow, WorkflowActionBean action)

Uses of WorkflowActionBean in org.apache.oozie.command

Methods in org.apache.oozie.command with parameters of type WorkflowActionBean
protected  void Command.setLogInfo(WorkflowActionBean action)
          Set the log info with the context of the given action bean.

Uses of WorkflowActionBean in

Methods in that return WorkflowActionBean
protected  WorkflowActionBean WorkflowActionInfoXCommand.execute()

Methods in with parameters of type WorkflowActionBean
 boolean ActionXCommand.handleUserRetry(WorkflowActionBean action)
          Execute retry for action if this action is eligible for user-retry

Constructors in with parameters of type WorkflowActionBean
ActionXCommand.ActionExecutorContext(WorkflowJobBean workflow, WorkflowActionBean action, boolean isRetry, boolean isUserRetry)
          Constructing the ActionExecutorContext, setting the private members and constructing the proto configuration
NotificationXCommand(WorkflowJobBean workflow, WorkflowActionBean action)

Uses of WorkflowActionBean in org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa

Methods in org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa that return WorkflowActionBean
 WorkflowActionBean WorkflowActionGetJPAExecutor.execute(javax.persistence.EntityManager em)

Methods in org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa that return types with arguments of type WorkflowActionBean
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowJobGetActionsJPAExecutor.execute(javax.persistence.EntityManager em)
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowActionSubsetGetJPAExecutor.execute(javax.persistence.EntityManager em)
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowActionsRunningGetJPAExecutor.execute(javax.persistence.EntityManager em)
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowActionsGetPendingJPAExecutor.execute(javax.persistence.EntityManager em)
          Load All the actions that are pending for more than given time.
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowActionsGetForJobJPAExecutor.execute(javax.persistence.EntityManager em)
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowActionRetryManualGetJPAExecutor.execute(javax.persistence.EntityManager em)

Constructors in org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa with parameters of type WorkflowActionBean
WorkflowActionInsertJPAExecutor(WorkflowActionBean wfAction)
WorkflowActionUpdateJPAExecutor(WorkflowActionBean wfAction)

Uses of WorkflowActionBean in org.apache.oozie.service

Methods in org.apache.oozie.service that return types with arguments of type WorkflowActionBean
static List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowStoreService.getStartedActions(WorkflowInstance instance)
          Return the list of actions started by a signal in an instance.

Uses of WorkflowActionBean in

Methods in that return WorkflowActionBean
 WorkflowActionBean WorkflowStore.getAction(String id, boolean locking)
          Load the action data and returns a bean.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type WorkflowActionBean
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowStore.getActionsForWorkflow(String wfId, boolean locking)
          Loads all the actions for the given Workflow.
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowStore.getActionsSubsetForWorkflow(String wfId, int start, int len)
          Loads given number of actions for the given Workflow.
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowStore.getPendingActions(long minimumPendingAgeSecs)
          Load All the actions that are pending for more than given time.
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowStore.getRetryAndManualActions(String wfId)
          Load All the actions that are START_RETRY or START_MANUAL or END_RETRY or END_MANUAL.
 List<WorkflowActionBean> WorkflowStore.getRunningActions(long checkAgeSecs)
          Load All the actions that are running and were last checked after now - miminumCheckAgeSecs

Methods in with parameters of type WorkflowActionBean
 void WorkflowStore.insertAction(WorkflowActionBean action)
          Create a new Action record in the ACTIONS table with the given Bean.
 void WorkflowStore.updateAction(WorkflowActionBean action)
          Update the given action bean to DB.

Uses of WorkflowActionBean in org.apache.oozie.util

Methods in org.apache.oozie.util with parameters of type WorkflowActionBean
static void LogUtils.setLogInfo(WorkflowActionBean action, XLog.Info logInfo)
          Set the log info with the context of the given action bean.

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