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JsonBean (Apache Oozie Core 3.3.2 API)
Interface JsonBean

All Known Implementing Classes:
BulkResponseImpl, BundleActionBean, BundleJobBean, CoordinatorActionBean, CoordinatorJobBean, JsonBundleJob, JsonCoordinatorAction, JsonCoordinatorJob, JsonSLAEvent, JsonWorkflowAction, JsonWorkflowJob, SLAEventBean, WorkflowActionBean, WorkflowJobBean

public interface JsonBean

Inteface for beans that serialize into JSON.

Method Summary
 org.json.simple.JSONObject toJSONObject()
          Return the JSONObject for the bean with GMT time zone.
 org.json.simple.JSONObject toJSONObject(String timeZoneId)
          Return the JSONObject for the bean with the given time zone.

Method Detail


org.json.simple.JSONObject toJSONObject()
Return the JSONObject for the bean with GMT time zone.

the JSONObject for the bean with GMT time zone.


org.json.simple.JSONObject toJSONObject(String timeZoneId)
Return the JSONObject for the bean with the given time zone.

timeZoneId - the time zone to use
the JSONObject for the bean with the given time zone.

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