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PauseTransitionXCommand (Apache Oozie Core 3.3.2 API)
Class PauseTransitionXCommand
org.apache.oozie.command.XCommand <T>
org.apache.oozie.command.TransitionXCommand <Void >
Type Parameters: T
All Implemented Interfaces: Callable <Void >, XCallable <Void >
Direct Known Subclasses: BundlePauseXCommand , CoordPauseXCommand
public abstract class PauseTransitionXCommand extends TransitionXCommand <Void >
Transition command for pause the job. The derived class has to override these following functions:
updateJob() : update job status and attributes
pauseChildren() : submit or queue commands to pause children
notifyParent() : update the status to upstream if any
Method Summary
protected Void
execute ()
Command execution body.
abstract void
pauseChildren ()
pause actions associated with the job
transitToNext ()
Transit to the next status based on the result of the Job.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.oozie.command.XCommand
call , eagerLoadState , eagerVerifyPrecondition , executeInterrupts , getCreatedTime , getEntityKey , getInstrumentation , getKey , getLockTimeOut , getLog , getName , getPriority , getRequeueDelay , getType , inInterruptMode , isLockRequired , isReQueueRequired , loadState , queue , queue , resetUsed , setInterruptMode , verifyPrecondition
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone , equals , finalize , getClass , hashCode , notify , notifyAll , toString , wait , wait , wait
public PauseTransitionXCommand (String name,
String type,
int priority)
The constructor for abstract class PauseTransitionXCommand
Parameters: name
- the command nametype
- the command typepriority
- the command priority
public abstract void pauseChildren ()
throws CommandException
pause actions associated with the job
- thrown if failed to pause actions
public final void transitToNext ()
throws CommandException
Description copied from class: TransitionXCommand
Transit to the next status based on the result of the Job.
Specified by: transitToNext
in class TransitionXCommand <Void >
protected Void execute ()
throws CommandException
Description copied from class: XCommand
Command execution body.
This method will be invoked after the {link #loadState} and {link #verifyPrecondition} methods.
If the command requires locking, this method will be invoked ONLY if the lock has been acquired.
Overrides: execute
in class TransitionXCommand <Void >
Returns: a return value from the execution of the command, only meaningful if the command is executed
- thrown if the command execution failed.
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