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SubmitPigXCommand (Apache Oozie Core 3.3.2 API)
Class SubmitPigXCommand
org.apache.oozie.command.XCommand <T> <String >
All Implemented Interfaces: Callable <String >, XCallable <String >
public class SubmitPigXCommand extends SubmitHttpXCommand
Method Summary
getEntityKey ()
Return the entity key for the command.
protected String
getWorkflowXml (org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
Generate workflow xml from conf object
protected boolean
isLockRequired ()
Indicate if the the command requires locking.
protected void
loadState ()
Load the necessary state to perform the precondition check and to execute the command.
protected void
verifyPrecondition ()
Verify the precondition for the command after a lock has been obtain, just before executing the command.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.oozie.command.XCommand
call , eagerLoadState , eagerVerifyPrecondition , executeInterrupts , getCreatedTime , getInstrumentation , getKey , getLockTimeOut , getLog , getName , getPriority , getRequeueDelay , getType , inInterruptMode , isReQueueRequired , queue , queue , resetUsed , setInterruptMode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone , equals , finalize , getClass , hashCode , notify , notifyAll , toString , wait , wait , wait
public SubmitPigXCommand (org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf,
String authToken)
protected String getWorkflowXml (org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
Description copied from class: SubmitHttpXCommand
Generate workflow xml from conf object
Specified by: getWorkflowXml
in class SubmitHttpXCommand
Parameters: conf
- the configuration object
Returns: workflow xml def string representation
public String getEntityKey ()
Description copied from class: XCommand
Return the entity key for the command.
Specified by: getEntityKey
in interface XCallable <String >
Specified by: getEntityKey
in class XCommand <String >
Returns: the entity key for the command.
protected boolean isLockRequired ()
Description copied from class: XCommand
Indicate if the the command requires locking.
Subclasses should override this method if they require locking.
Specified by: isLockRequired
in class XCommand <String >
Returns: true/false
protected void loadState ()
Description copied from class: XCommand
Load the necessary state to perform the precondition check and to execute the command.
Subclasses must implement this method and load the state needed to do the precondition check and execute the
Specified by: loadState
in class XCommand <String >
protected void verifyPrecondition ()
throws CommandException
Description copied from class: XCommand
Verify the precondition for the command after a lock has been obtain, just before executing the command.
Specified by: verifyPrecondition
in class XCommand <String >
- thrown if the precondition is not met.
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