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StatusUtils (Apache Oozie Core 3.3.2 API)

Class StatusUtils

  extended by org.apache.oozie.util.StatusUtils

public class StatusUtils
extends Object

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static org.apache.oozie.client.Job.Status getStatus(CoordinatorJobBean coordJob)
          This Function transforms the statuses based on the name space of the coordinator App
static boolean getStatusForCoordActionInputCheck(CoordinatorJobBean coordJob)
          This function check if eligible to do action input check when running with backward support is true.
static org.apache.oozie.client.Job.Status getStatusForCoordRerun(CoordinatorJobBean coordJob, org.apache.oozie.client.Job.Status prevStatus)
          This function changes back the status for coordinator rerun if the job was SUCCEEDED or SUSPENDED when rerun with backward support is true.
static org.apache.oozie.client.Job.Status getStatusIfBackwardSupportTrue(org.apache.oozie.client.Job.Status currentJobStatus)
          Get the status of coordinator job for Oozie versions (3.2 and before) when RUNNINGWITHERROR, SUSPENDEDWITHERROR and PAUSEDWITHERROR are not supported
static boolean isV1CoordjobKillable(CoordinatorJobBean coordJob)
          If namespace 0.1 is used and backward support is true, SUCCEEDED coord job can be killed
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StatusUtils()
Method Detail


public static org.apache.oozie.client.Job.Status getStatus(CoordinatorJobBean coordJob)
This Function transforms the statuses based on the name space of the coordinator App

coordJob - This will be the coordinator job bean for which we need to get the status based on version
Job.Status This would be the new status based on the app version.


public static org.apache.oozie.client.Job.Status getStatusForCoordRerun(CoordinatorJobBean coordJob,
                                                                        org.apache.oozie.client.Job.Status prevStatus)
This function changes back the status for coordinator rerun if the job was SUCCEEDED or SUSPENDED when rerun with backward support is true.

coordJob - This will be the coordinator job bean for which we need to get the status based on version
prevStatus - coordinator job previous status
Job.Status This would be the new status based on the app version.


public static boolean getStatusForCoordActionInputCheck(CoordinatorJobBean coordJob)
This function check if eligible to do action input check when running with backward support is true.

coordJob - This will be the coordinator job bean for which we need to get the status based on version
true if eligible to do action input check


public static boolean isV1CoordjobKillable(CoordinatorJobBean coordJob)
If namespace 0.1 is used and backward support is true, SUCCEEDED coord job can be killed

coordJob - the coordinator job
true if namespace 0.1 is used and backward support is true, SUCCEEDED coord job can be killed


public static org.apache.oozie.client.Job.Status getStatusIfBackwardSupportTrue(org.apache.oozie.client.Job.Status currentJobStatus)
Get the status of coordinator job for Oozie versions (3.2 and before) when RUNNINGWITHERROR, SUSPENDEDWITHERROR and PAUSEDWITHERROR are not supported

coordJob -

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