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XLogStreamer (Apache Oozie Core 3.3.2 API)

Class XLogStreamer

  extended by org.apache.oozie.util.XLogStreamer

public class XLogStreamer
extends Object

XLogStreamer streams the given log file to logWriter after applying the given filter.

Nested Class Summary
static class XLogStreamer.Filter
          Filter that will construct the regular expression that will be used to filter the log statement.
Field Summary
static Pattern gzTimePattern
          This pattern matches the end of a gzip filename to have a format like "-YYYY-MM-dd-HH.gz" with capturing groups for each part of the date
Constructor Summary
XLogStreamer(XLogStreamer.Filter logFilter, Writer logWriter, String logPath, String logFile, long logRotationSecs)
Method Summary
 void streamLog(Date startTime, Date endTime)
          Gets the files that are modified between startTime and endTime in the given logPath and streams the log after applying the filters.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Pattern gzTimePattern
This pattern matches the end of a gzip filename to have a format like "-YYYY-MM-dd-HH.gz" with capturing groups for each part of the date

Constructor Detail


public XLogStreamer(XLogStreamer.Filter logFilter,
                    Writer logWriter,
                    String logPath,
                    String logFile,
                    long logRotationSecs)
Method Detail


public void streamLog(Date startTime,
                      Date endTime)
               throws IOException
Gets the files that are modified between startTime and endTime in the given logPath and streams the log after applying the filters.

startTime -
endTime -

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