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Uses of Class org.apache.oozie.util.XLog.Info (Apache Oozie Core 3.3.2 API)

Uses of Class

Packages that use XLog.Info

Uses of XLog.Info in org.apache.oozie.command

Fields in org.apache.oozie.command declared as XLog.Info
protected  XLog.Info XCommand.logInfo

Uses of XLog.Info in org.apache.oozie.util

Methods in org.apache.oozie.util that return XLog.Info
static XLog.Info XLog.Info.get()
          Return the LogInfo instance in context.

Methods in org.apache.oozie.util with parameters of type XLog.Info
static void LogUtils.setLogInfo(BundleJobBean bBean, XLog.Info logInfo)
          Set the log info with the context of the given bundle bean.
static void LogUtils.setLogInfo(CoordinatorActionBean action, XLog.Info logInfo)
          Set the log info with the context of the given coordinator action bean.
static void LogUtils.setLogInfo(CoordinatorJobBean cBean, XLog.Info logInfo)
          Set the log info with the context of the given coordinator bean.
static void LogUtils.setLogInfo(WorkflowActionBean action, XLog.Info logInfo)
          Set the log info with the context of the given action bean.
static void LogUtils.setLogInfo(WorkflowJobBean workflow, XLog.Info logInfo)
          Set the log info with the context of the given workflow bean.
static void LogUtils.setLogInfo(XLog.Info logInfo)
          Set the thread local log info with the context of the given Info object.
 void XLog.Info.setParameters(XLog.Info logInfo)
          Set all the parameter values from the given LogInfo.

Constructors in org.apache.oozie.util with parameters of type XLog.Info
XLog.Info(XLog.Info logInfo)
          Construct a new LogInfo object from an existing one.

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