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HCatELFunctions (Apache Oozie Core 4.0.0 API)

Class HCatELFunctions

  extended by org.apache.oozie.coord.HCatELFunctions

public class HCatELFunctions
extends Object

This class implements the EL function for HCat datasets in coordinator

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static boolean hcat_exists(String uri)
          Return true if partitions exists or false if not.
static String ph1_coord_databaseIn_echo(String dataName)
          Echo the same EL function without evaluating anything
static String ph1_coord_databaseOut_echo(String dataName)
static String ph1_coord_dataInPartitionFilter_echo(String dataInName, String type)
static String ph1_coord_dataInPartitionMax_echo(String dataInName, String partition)
static String ph1_coord_dataInPartitionMin_echo(String dataInName, String partition)
static String ph1_coord_dataOutPartitions_echo(String dataOutName)
static String ph1_coord_dataOutPartitionValue_echo(String dataOutName, String partition)
static String ph1_coord_tableIn_echo(String dataName)
static String ph1_coord_tableOut_echo(String dataName)
static String ph3_coord_databaseIn(String dataName)
          Extract the hcat DB name from the URI-template associate with 'dataInName'.
static String ph3_coord_databaseOut(String dataName)
          Extract the hcat DB name from the URI-template associate with 'dataOutName'.
static String ph3_coord_dataInPartitionFilter(String dataInName, String type)
          Used to specify the HCat partition filter which is input dependency for workflow job.

Look for two evaluator-level variables

A) .datain. B) .datain..unresolved

A defines the current list of HCat URIs.

static String ph3_coord_dataInPartitionMax(String dataInName, String partitionName)
          Used to specify the MINIMUM value of an HCat partition which is input dependency for workflow job.

Look for two evaluator-level variables

A) .datain. B) .datain..unresolved

A defines the current list of HCat URIs.

static String ph3_coord_dataInPartitionMin(String dataInName, String partitionName)
          Used to specify the MAXIMUM value of an HCat partition which is input dependency for workflow job.

Look for two evaluator-level variables

A) .datain. B) .datain..unresolved

A defines the current list of HCat URIs.

static String ph3_coord_dataOutPartitions(String dataOutName)
          Used to specify the entire HCat partition defining output for workflow job.

Look for two evaluator-level variables

A) .dataout. B) .dataout..unresolved

A defines the data-out HCat URI.

static String ph3_coord_dataOutPartitionValue(String dataOutName, String partitionName)
          Used to specify the HCat partition's value defining output for workflow job.

Look for two evaluator-level variables

A) .dataout. B) .dataout..unresolved

A defines the current list of HCat URIs.

static String ph3_coord_tableIn(String dataName)
          Extract the hcat Table name from the URI-template associate with 'dataInName'.
static String ph3_coord_tableOut(String dataName)
          Extract the hcat Table name from the URI-template associate with 'dataOutName'.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HCatELFunctions()
Method Detail


public static boolean hcat_exists(String uri)
                           throws Exception
Return true if partitions exists or false if not.

uri - hcatalog partition uri.
true if the uri exists, false if it does not.


public static String ph1_coord_databaseIn_echo(String dataName)
Echo the same EL function without evaluating anything

dataInName -
the same EL function


public static String ph1_coord_databaseOut_echo(String dataName)


public static String ph1_coord_tableIn_echo(String dataName)


public static String ph1_coord_tableOut_echo(String dataName)


public static String ph1_coord_dataInPartitionFilter_echo(String dataInName,
                                                          String type)


public static String ph1_coord_dataInPartitionMin_echo(String dataInName,
                                                       String partition)


public static String ph1_coord_dataInPartitionMax_echo(String dataInName,
                                                       String partition)


public static String ph1_coord_dataOutPartitions_echo(String dataOutName)


public static String ph1_coord_dataOutPartitionValue_echo(String dataOutName,
                                                          String partition)


public static String ph3_coord_databaseIn(String dataName)
Extract the hcat DB name from the URI-template associate with 'dataInName'. Caller needs to specify the EL-evaluator level variable 'oozie.coord.el.dataset.bean' with synchronous dataset object (SyncCoordDataset)

dataInName -
DB name


public static String ph3_coord_databaseOut(String dataName)
Extract the hcat DB name from the URI-template associate with 'dataOutName'. Caller needs to specify the EL-evaluator level variable 'oozie.coord.el.dataset.bean' with synchronous dataset object (SyncCoordDataset)

dataOutName -
DB name


public static String ph3_coord_tableIn(String dataName)
Extract the hcat Table name from the URI-template associate with 'dataInName'. Caller needs to specify the EL-evaluator level variable 'oozie.coord.el.dataset.bean' with synchronous dataset object (SyncCoordDataset)

dataInName -
Table name


public static String ph3_coord_tableOut(String dataName)
Extract the hcat Table name from the URI-template associate with 'dataOutName'. Caller needs to specify the EL-evaluator level variable 'oozie.coord.el.dataset.bean' with synchronous dataset object (SyncCoordDataset)

dataOutName -
Table name


public static String ph3_coord_dataInPartitionFilter(String dataInName,
                                                     String type)
Used to specify the HCat partition filter which is input dependency for workflow job.

Look for two evaluator-level variables

A) .datain. B) .datain..unresolved

A defines the current list of HCat URIs.

B defines whether there are any unresolved EL-function (i.e latest)

If there are something unresolved, this function will echo back the original function

otherwise it sends the partition filter.

dataInName - : Datain name
type - : for action type - pig, MR or hive


public static String ph3_coord_dataOutPartitionValue(String dataOutName,
                                                     String partitionName)
Used to specify the HCat partition's value defining output for workflow job.

Look for two evaluator-level variables

A) .dataout. B) .dataout..unresolved

A defines the current list of HCat URIs.

B defines whether there are any unresolved EL-function (i.e latest)

If there are something unresolved, this function will echo back the original function

otherwise it sends the partition value.

dataOutName - : Dataout name
partitionName - : Specific partition name whose value is wanted


public static String ph3_coord_dataOutPartitions(String dataOutName)
Used to specify the entire HCat partition defining output for workflow job.

Look for two evaluator-level variables

A) .dataout. B) .dataout..unresolved

A defines the data-out HCat URI.

B defines whether there are any unresolved EL-function (i.e latest)

If there are something unresolved, this function will echo back the original function

otherwise it sends the partition.

dataOutName - : DataOut name


public static String ph3_coord_dataInPartitionMin(String dataInName,
                                                  String partitionName)
Used to specify the MAXIMUM value of an HCat partition which is input dependency for workflow job.

Look for two evaluator-level variables

A) .datain. B) .datain..unresolved

A defines the current list of HCat URIs.

B defines whether there are any unresolved EL-function (i.e latest)

If there are something unresolved, this function will echo back the original function

otherwise it sends the max partition value.

dataInName - : Datain name
partitionName - : Specific partition name whose MAX value is wanted


public static String ph3_coord_dataInPartitionMax(String dataInName,
                                                  String partitionName)
Used to specify the MINIMUM value of an HCat partition which is input dependency for workflow job.

Look for two evaluator-level variables

A) .datain. B) .datain..unresolved

A defines the current list of HCat URIs.

B defines whether there are any unresolved EL-function (i.e latest)

If there are something unresolved, this function will echo back the original function

otherwise it sends the min partition value.

dataInName - : Datain name
partitionName - : Specific partition name whose MIN value is wanted

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