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Uses of Class org.apache.oozie.command.TransitionXCommand (Apache Oozie Core 3.3.2 API)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TransitionXCommand

Uses of TransitionXCommand in org.apache.oozie.command

Subclasses of TransitionXCommand in org.apache.oozie.command
 class KillTransitionXCommand
          This is transition Base commands for all the jobs.
 class MaterializeTransitionXCommand
          Transition command for materialize the job.
 class PauseTransitionXCommand
          Transition command for pause the job.
 class RerunTransitionXCommand<T>
          Transition command for rerun the job.
 class ResumeTransitionXCommand
 class StartTransitionXCommand
          Transition command for start the job.
 class SubmitTransitionXCommand
          Base class for submit transition command.
 class SuspendTransitionXCommand
 class UnpauseTransitionXCommand
          Transition command for unpause the job.

Uses of TransitionXCommand in org.apache.oozie.command.bundle

Subclasses of TransitionXCommand in org.apache.oozie.command.bundle
 class BundleJobResumeXCommand
 class BundleJobSuspendXCommand
 class BundleKillXCommand
 class BundlePauseXCommand
 class BundleRerunXCommand
          Rerun bundle coordinator jobs by a list of coordinator names or dates.
 class BundleStartXCommand
          The command to start Bundle job
 class BundleSubmitXCommand
          This Command will submit the bundle.
 class BundleUnpauseXCommand

Uses of TransitionXCommand in org.apache.oozie.command.coord

Subclasses of TransitionXCommand in org.apache.oozie.command.coord
 class CoordKillXCommand
 class CoordMaterializeTransitionXCommand
          Materialize actions for specified start and end time for coordinator job.
 class CoordPauseXCommand
 class CoordRerunXCommand
          Rerun coordinator actions by a list of dates or ids.
 class CoordResumeXCommand
          Resume coordinator job and actions.
 class CoordSubmitXCommand
          This class provides the functionalities to resolve a coordinator job XML and write the job information into a DB table.
 class CoordSuspendXCommand
          Suspend coordinator job and actions.
 class CoordUnpauseXCommand

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