The ELService creates ELEvaluator instances preconfigured with constants and functions defined in the
The following configuration parameters control the EL service: CONF_CONSTANTS list
of constant definitions to be available for EL evaluations. CONF_FUNCTIONS list of function definitions
to be available for EL evalations. Definitions must be separated by a comma, definitions are trimmed. The
syntax for a constant definition is PREFIX:NAME=CLASS_NAME#CONSTANT_NAME. The syntax for a constant
createEvaluator(String group)
Return an ELEvaluator pre-configured with the constants and functions for the specific group of
EL-functions and variables defined in the configuration.
Return an ELEvaluator pre-configured with the constants and functions for the specific group of
EL-functions and variables defined in the configuration. If the group name doesn't exist,
IllegalArgumentException is thrown
group: - Name of the group of required EL Evaluator.